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Ken Turner (Pipesusmc)
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Posted on Friday, January 30, 2009 - 11:18 pm:
John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Saturday, January 31, 2009 - 12:13 am:   

Some further info is here: Surge Motor Technology

Perpetual motion is very evasive, near "impossi-decernable" (GWBushism).
It's akin to my bro-in-law and beer. The reach is almost perpetual,
until the forehead hits the floor.

Oh well, ehh?

I'll bet if I put a 6v92 in a Volkswagon with a double-overdrive
tranny, I'd get some great mileage!

1,800 rpm=175mph

Bruce Henderson (Oonrahnjay)
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Posted on Saturday, January 31, 2009 - 12:40 am:   

"Something for nothing" ... yeah, that always works.
FAST FRED (Fast_fred)
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Posted on Sunday, February 01, 2009 - 8:35 am:   

"Something for nothing" ... yeah, that always works.

Strange we haven't been hearing from the Brown"s Gas folks lately.

Thought By now they should be getting 15mpg out of transits!

George M. Todd (George_mc6)
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Posted on Sunday, February 01, 2009 - 12:58 pm:   

What a joke this is!
He had to start his "generator" with a motor to get it up to speed. That is "investing" energy, plain and simple. Sure, it runs a small light bulb, but notice, not for long, as the "generator" slows down. If he left the camera on the device for more than a few seconds, the light would dim, and the "generator" would stop.

The car is a very simple battery powered electric motor driven vehicle.
Look at the lean as someone else mentioned, the hatchback is full of batteries. His comment on heat from the controllers is meaningless, as all he did was put the heat-generating controller in the front grille where air would blow over it while moving.

His comment about " it anywhere without plugging it in..." is either an outright lie, or a deliberate mis-statement, depending on how forgiving you are. Like it or not, he had to charge the batteries in the first place, and the "anywhere you want to go without plugging it in, ..." is anywhere within range of a battery charge!

Note also, he DOESN'T have a method of recharging the batteries while stopping or going downhill, which is THE MAIN ADVANTAGE TO A HYBRID IN STOP AND GO DRIVING!

Note also the comments about the amount of money the late Dennis Weaver put into it, and the fact that they never made one work!

How old is this video???

The stuff that sounds too good to be true usually is!

I'll shut up now, and fortunately my money isn't in Costa Rica, or wherever it was she went!

Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 - 6:33 pm:   

Storing energy in a flywheel is no miracle.

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