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H3-40 (Ace)
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Post Number: 952
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 9:05 pm:   

For all you guys converting your seated buses into fine road roaming campers, let me say, please don't overlook your generator exhaust system. PLEASE make sure that when you go off camping especially where other bus nuts or campers in general will be parked close by, that you immediately install your much needed "up-stack" to get those nasty diesel or gas fumes up and away from your parked neighbors!

We JUST experienced a weekend of dry camping where a fellow bus nut right beside us that didn't adhere to this. He ran his gen set all day and into the evening (past dark) with his windows open and him GONE! Didn't make sense to me but since he was there before me, and he is sort of handicapped, I was polite in not saying what I SHOULD have said right away, hoping he would take the hint. That didn't happen nor did he take the hint when we moved our campsite straight ahead into an empty spot. It just ran and ran! So much the grass was black in an area about 5 foot from his bus.

I didn't know if the gen-set ran for medical reasons or not but none the less, he should have put up an up-stack! We couldn't open our windows or sit out under the awning. Cooking out was just that, OUT! We made the best of it and I kept my cool but people really should use an up-stack for many reasons!

Oh and the guy had a fancy factory converted Prevost and while I was at dinner, describing this situation to another bus nut, he and his wife immediately knew who it was, as they TOO had the mis-fortune of parking next to the same guy in the past. They also said at that time when they brought it to his attention of the very bad running generator, his response was, it runs fine and needs nothing!

Go figure!

Rally host, I encourage you to please put a message in all newsletters/registration forms as a reminder to all people attending your rally get together, party etc. that MUST use their generator, to PLEASE install their UP-Stack before anything else! It won't only make an enjoyable weekend for everyone but keep them from getting sick as well. Yes we suffered ill feelings from the fumes and only realized after the fact what caused it!

John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 9:29 pm:   

A potato in the exhaust usually remedies the problem fairly quick!
George M. Todd (George_mc6)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 9:42 pm:   

An avocado would work well too!
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 9:45 pm:   

Maybe he was trying to share his conditioned air with you.
frankdegroot (Coach)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 9:51 pm:   

These remedies are awesome.Is it ok if I wright them in my log for future referance?
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 9:53 pm:   

Guess that is a BIG reason I don't venture to the southern campgrounds......I know youse guys don't like the "noisemakers" and such :-) :-)

I'll stick with Flying J or Pilot or,,,,,perhaps the local WM >:-)

Luvrbus (Luvrbus)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 10:03 pm:   

Generators are not any worse to me as the diesel fired Webasto,Aqua Hot and Pro Heat those smell bad,smoke are noise and you can not use a stack on those good luck
George M. Todd (George_mc6)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 10:12 pm:   

The veggies are a joke, look back at the air conditioning post with a hundred posts, down near the bottom you will see what I mean.
Jim Wallin (Powderseeker01)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 10:49 pm:   

I may be old fashoned, but it seems to me that if you're not willing to have a polite discussion with the offending camper, succinctly detailing the disturbance, then you should just deal with it. I would imagine that many folks finding a potato or avacado stuffed up their exhaust might react in kind, perhaps using something more creative like thermoplastic construction adhesive....which can usually not be removed. Why not just take the high road and approach the problem like adults.
Roger Baughman (Roger)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 - 1:35 am:   

I don't dry camp much but it is the next thingon my list. Thanks for the reminder.
Bill Gerrie (Bill_gerrie)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 - 8:56 am:   

That note about the rally host putting a note in the itineray is a great one. It would give an out if a person didn't use the up-stack. It stated right in the registration what the rules are.
Luvrbus (Luvrbus)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 - 9:10 am:   

Stackes work but always keep your roof vents closed and turned off because they will suck the smoke and smell going over the top of your bus into your coach.I have a white roof on mine and parking around 3 or 4 with stacks it will be black on the roof in 2 or 3 days good luck
Pete/RTS Daytona (Pete_rtsdaytona)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 - 9:37 am:   

Mine's real simple - I just have an "L" shaped pipe that goes over my generator exhaust pipe and I put a 8' aluminum downspout over that - I attach the downspout with a V shaped bent coat hanger as a standoff
Greg Roberts (Eagle 20) (Gregeagle20)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 - 10:08 am:   

This was such a serious concern for me that I planned ahead and ran a double wall pipe up through my coach in the location behind my refer. This pipe reaches from the very bottom of one bay all the way to the roof. Inside I ran the exhaust pipe which I had wrapped with header insulation and aluminum tape. On top I put a good old tractor rain flap. Works like a charm and never a smell and the noise is low. Takes some planning and a bit of extra thought but well worth the effort for those who are still in the conversion process or for those who might happen to have an available space for a retrofit.

I am also in the process of designing a through the roof exhaust system for the coach engine. My goal for this is to remove a lot of restriction while also getting the exhaust high and away from both my toad and any poor soul that happens to be behind me at a red light.
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 - 6:28 pm:   

I don't know if this makes any sense or not, but I have been looking at the possiblity of running a true stack 5 or 6 inch up the back corner of my MC5C. Being a trucker all my life, I have always liked the looks of them and when I drove the bus home from South Dakota the front of my toad was covered in Detroit debris. In designing my stack I am planning on running my exhaust from my generator right into the same plumbing and thus eliminating that problem also. Gets everything up and out of the way. A nice crome stack with a turnout on top won't deter from the looks of my bus in my opinion and who knows maybe someday duel stacks! lol. What do ya think?
Peter E (Sdibaja)
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Posted on Thursday, March 05, 2009 - 3:01 pm:   

I think Stacks are COOL! 2, not one!
It is rather common here in Mexico for buses to have Dual Stacks... they are retired Skoolies, and sound like straight pipes.
I cam get a photo or two when I go to town tomorrow if you like...
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Thursday, March 05, 2009 - 4:54 pm:   

I would love to see 'em. I think it would be a great idea and keep my stuff behind clean and smoke free!
Tim Brandt (Timb)
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Posted on Thursday, March 05, 2009 - 5:28 pm:   

I'll have to dig around there is a Flxible VL100 for sale right now that has a rear stack though I don't think it quite works on that bus style
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Thursday, March 05, 2009 - 6:17 pm:   

some thread back there was a in progress conversion going and the gentleman who was doing it put 2 stacks up the back and the engine I believe even stuck past the back and was as I said In Progress and didn't look bad either. I don't know what happened to him and the coach, would like to know tho!! Oh make sure they are of a good CHROME with angle tips Yeah man!!!
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Thursday, March 05, 2009 - 8:18 pm:   

Whatever turns one on, I 'spose..."Do it your way". as FF says :-) :-)

marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Thursday, March 05, 2009 - 10:27 pm:   

RC?? are you saying that you don't like them big chrome stacks coming out of a nice looking coach? How dare you LOL
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Friday, March 06, 2009 - 8:35 am:   

Dual chrome stacks look cool, BUT, please install mufflers! a friend has dual un-muffled chrome stacks on his MC-7 8V71. If is painful on the ears to drive within 1/4 mile of him if there are any hills or stop signs. Jack
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Friday, March 06, 2009 - 10:57 am:   

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it...:-) :-)

marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Friday, March 06, 2009 - 12:50 pm:   

Ok, guys You win...again. LOL
I agree that sniffing this modern, upgraded stuff they call diesel fuel will take the hair out of your nose and burn all the way down to your toes. Some people don't know how to consider others, and all they think about is LOOK AT ME type of attitude. Not picking on anyone but I think you get the message.
That's my story and I'm sticking to mine too!
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Friday, March 06, 2009 - 1:35 pm:   

Jack, you have any pictures of that 7 with the stacks? I sure like the idea (although having driven semi's with straight stacks, I would definatly agree they need mufflers)!
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Friday, March 06, 2009 - 6:49 pm:   

Unfortanately, no I do not have pictures. I do remember that he removed the exhaust crossover pipe on the engine and turned the right side (looking at the back of the bus) 180 degrees and had a pipe made up to go to the stack on the right side. I think he removed the left crossover pipe and put a block-off plate over that opening. The then ran the OEM pipe to the left stack. It sounder sweeeet when he climbed a hill- FROM ABOUT 1/2 MILE FROM HIS BUS LOL Jack
Luvrbus (Luvrbus)
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Posted on Friday, March 06, 2009 - 7:55 pm:   

you guys go to Coach Conversion Central and look under Eagle adds and there is one of Wayne St.Onge conversion that has stacks he did several
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Friday, March 06, 2009 - 9:48 pm:   

Wow, thanks for the tip. That really is a nice clean job. I have a feeling my homemade set up will look more like a whiskey still than an exhaust system!
H3-40 (Ace)
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Posted on Saturday, March 07, 2009 - 5:25 am:   

I may have a picture of the bus Jack is referring to but not at home near my pc at this time. Maybe Sunday if I find it, I can post it!

Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Saturday, March 07, 2009 - 8:02 am:   

"Wow, thanks for the tip. That really is a nice clean job. I have a feeling my homemade set up will look more like a whiskey still than an exhaust system!"

Hey, with the right mash, that could be a good thing, Just remember to keep the mash at about 175-180 degrees. Not sure where you would put the "worm" to extract the alcohol. Jack
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Saturday, March 07, 2009 - 3:12 pm:   

...honest mr. taxation, i'm only brewing my own "green" fuel back there, that is not untaxed spirits coming out the "worm" pipe , but you may have a drink of it if you wish !
- that would be one "co-gen" application for that 2/3 waist heat; not unlike a steam turbine ?
Chuck Newman (Chuck_newman)
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Posted on Saturday, March 07, 2009 - 3:48 pm:   

I hear as long as it's aged 7 years, it's exempt!!
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Saturday, March 07, 2009 - 4:15 pm:   

"I hear as long as it's aged 7 years, it's exempt!!"

Yeah, but who wants top wait 7 years to drink it? Jack
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Saturday, March 07, 2009 - 5:52 pm:   

err ah... I mean you can't have a drink of the fuel back there, it is not taxed for that, sorry "tax person"
Randy Davidson (Rdavidson)
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Posted on Monday, March 09, 2009 - 3:51 pm:   

Luvrbus - I've got both a diesel gen and Aqua-hot with the exhaust going up a single opening through the roof. Works fine.

Why do you say these can't go up a stack?
Luvrbus (Luvrbus)
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Posted on Monday, March 09, 2009 - 4:08 pm:   

Randy, according to Aqua-Hot and Webasto both they say no nore than 5 ft exhaust and 1 90 bend if it works for you great. I heard that 1 model will let you do 12 ft and there was a discussion about this on the Mak board last week good luck

(Message edited by luvrbus on March 09, 2009)
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Monday, March 09, 2009 - 9:00 pm:   

I have a Webasto.exhaust is VERY short, 1 foot or less. It has been exhausted, under the coach (in the rear) to grass, pavement, concrete, dirt, etc. No problems, little to no smell. We watch it very closely...don't need fires, melted asphalt, etc.

I'm with Luvr.....the specs say 5 feet....do it your way...but beware? (don't ask me why) :-)


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