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Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
Registered Member
Username: Vivianellie

Post Number: 219
Registered: 11-2008
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Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 4:04 pm:   

Hi to everyone… and especially to you guys asking about me on the ‘Where’s Nellie?” thread. It’s nice to be missed (even if just because I’m such a pain in the butt).

Hey, Ace, no biscuits yet… would you settle for doughnuts? I did (nearly) a couple of those on the way down here.

I know I’ve been kinda quiet lately, but I didn’t forget you guys! It’s just that I’m so busy actually working on the bus there’s no time to write about it. Paul hit it on the head when he says, “I think she's just busy with life.” Or like Cliff said: “Perhaps she is just too busy with the new love of her life, converting it to her sleeping and living needs or serenading it with her guitar while wearing her big blue boots.”

Well, actually, the serenading hasn’t happened (yet)… and that ‘blue boots’ wardrobe? Hmmm… might better wait for warmer weather. But I love that ‘singing mascot’ bit… I’d love to fill those shoes (boots) if I can.

Which reminds me, I still need to put some CDs together and mail them…

Anyway, I’m still in Pennsylvania at Ralph’s place. Jeanne, Ralph’s wife, has taken a turn for the worse and has suffered greatly the last few days. I, personally, have never seen anyone in such pain. God bless her. She’s a wonderful lady, so please have a thought and prayers for her.

On a brighter note, we accomplished a LOT of improvements on the bus. I intended to leave long ago, but around here the clock stops turning. Truly. I mean, nobody even wears a watch!

I’m enjoying so much having my bus right in the driveway and not needing gallons of gas and a parka to get to it. And tools everywhere! Not to mention Ralph and Jeanne being such great folks to be around. I come ‘home’ at night exhausted but happy.

Ralph’s taught me a bunch of stuff and I’m getting pretty good at building cabinets and drawers and stuff, and I love it. Now I have plenty of space to lose things (as Ralph puts it) and the old crate is beginning to take shape. I’ve even got some rudimentary 12v and AC electric. Still have to hook up some plumbing and propane but one thing at a time, right? But the old bus is happy down here… actually grinning at me, I think.

I’ll be leaving soon to go to Howard’s place… he found me a toilet and tanks (long story behind that, but I’ll save it for another time). Thanks, Howard!

So that’s about where I’m at. I’ve got lots of project photos I’d like to share. Maybe I can figure something out…

Love you all and thanks for thinking of me. I’m sure thinking of you!

Nellie Wilson
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 4:42 pm:   

Nellie Glad to hear from you and that all is going along good. We were wondering whasuupp and now we know. Just keep us updated.
You can create a blog like several do, Sean does a good one,maybe he can help.
We are patiently waiting along the coast to FLORIDA for you ,,,, Good Luck
Paso One (Paso_1)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 8:23 pm:   

Glad to hear your projects moving along. Being in warm weather sure helps I'm sure, We had -36 last night and the same again tonight. Oh well once its frozen solid it doesn't matter how cold it gets :-)
Paul Lawry (Dreamscape)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 11:10 pm:   

Good to hear from you Nellie and that things are going well for you and your bus. Keep at it and stop by Abilene TX one day as your passing through.

Yes blogs are fun, Sean's is the best, I've got one too, just not as detailed as his, just a story about what we're doing, where we've been and where we're going. Mostly it's about the work that's been done to Dreamscape.

You need to start one so we can visit with you every day!

Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
Registered Member
Username: Vivianellie

Post Number: 220
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 11:29 am:   

Hi Guys,

Well, now I'm in Maryland and parked at Howard's place. He did this 'deal' where he ended up with some tanks and toilet and what not. The whole thing was too complicated for my pea brain, but it centered around a GMC conversion that a fellow had to abandon for health reasons.

Anyway, 'Don' ended up with the bus (like he needed another one... he only has forty or so!) but we pulled the tanks, etc. and took them to Howard's. But we won't start installing anything until next week... because we're taking off in Howard's bus this afternoon and heading to Delaware. Gonna hook up with some other Bus Nuts and look at some conversion projects. And play some music! (Yup... I got a gig!)

HEY, PAUL... I like your idea of a blog... might be fun. How do I find yours? And Sean's too? I haven't a clue how to start one up... do I need to do a whole website thing?


Bruce Henderson (Oonrahnjay)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 12:03 pm:   

Nellie wrote "'Don' ended up with the bus (like he needed another one... he only has forty or so!) but we pulled the tanks, etc. and took them to Howard's. But we won't start installing anything until next week"

Sounds like progress, Nell! I've been cutting a hole in the side of mine this week - hope to have it plugged next week. Isn't all this fun?
Best wishes, Bruce
Ednj (Ednj)
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Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 - 2:26 pm:   

It was nice to meet you and Tony this past weekend in Delaware.
Glad we got to catch your Gig at the RnR grill.
Good luck on your trip to your next destination.
Paul Lawry (Dreamscape)
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Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 - 8:25 pm:   

Nellie, This is our blog/website.

This is Seans,

Just click on Create Blog, upper right hand corner. At least on ours it says that.

Have fun!

R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Username: Chuckllb

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Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 - 8:57 pm:   

Thought she had a "website"...under another name.


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