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Mike Lester (Tin_woodman)
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Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 10:38 pm:   

As you may have seen in one of Jack Conrad's posts (which I could not find or would have continued) I bought this 1970 MC7 a couple of months ago, and it has been at Jack's place in his tender loving care since then. Kathi and I flew down to Florida to pick it up and drive it back to Omaha, and were blessed to spend a couple of days with Jack and Paula while a few more things were done to the bus. Jack imparted loads of sage advice as well as the work he put in on the bus; I don't think my foray into the bus nut world would have been possible without him. Thanks again to Jack!

Right now we're in a campground in Springfield, MO wondering whether we're going to run into predicted snow in Kansas City on our way North. We drove in rain all day yesterday, and unfortunately my wipers were not cooperating. The passenger side broke the spring (no big deal) and the driver's side will quit if I stop it in the wrong position. Jack suggested I make an appointment with Fred Hobe to have electric wipers put on, but I thought since the air wipers were working I would let it go and not get any further in the hole right now. I should have listened...

I also got a couple good tips from Mike Sullivan while down Florida way.

Other than the wiper problems, the coach is running great and between a few moments of sheer terror amidst traffic, rain and road construction through Atlanta we've really been loving it!

And, I almost have double-clutching down. 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 are good, 3 to 4 not so much, and downshifting is not so good either.
For this bus, timing is much different than described in R.J. Long's article elsewhere on the forum - I need to shift well before hitting the governor in order to make the shift smooth.

We're getting surprisingly good mileage too - almost 10 mpg.

I'll post impressions of campsites on another part of the board when we get back.


Mike Lester
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 11:14 pm:   

Mike.....there are a lot of reasons not to go electric on your wipers. I won't elaborate just now, but there is plenty in the Archives about that.

Having said that, air wipers are a whole bunch different in operation than electrics. Perhaps you just haven't gotten the "hang" of it yet....or perhaps the air cylinder(s) need a bit of work. FWIW...I would look into it before changing to electric. They can be "rebuilt" pretty easily. I carry an extra "just in case". Eight years, no problems..and mine is a '64.

Re shifting...RJ has a loooong history in bus operation and I would tell you, personal experience here, that he is probably more right than wrong. Usually it is a matter of finding the timing ....on the way down. BTDT.


Best wishes :-)

David Evans (Dmd)
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Posted on Friday, March 27, 2009 - 6:06 am:   

Mike, thats nice to be doing a road trip but it is early to be heading that far north! be nice to have the luxury to set your own time table... someday. The McI 7 is a sharp looking "new" bus to me and the 10mpg might be cause its not a brick, got some nice curves on her. The air wipers can be a pain, i hated mine because they leaked so much and the oil smell but once repaired they work nice. And try just a little longer delay on the 3rd to 4th shift than you do on the others. I have never driven a MCI just going by my old GM crashboxes. Enjoy your trip home.
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Friday, March 27, 2009 - 8:28 am:   

Glad to hear your trip is going good. I know Bob would be happy to know Full Gallop is being enjoyed

(Message edited by JackConrad on March 27, 2009)
Tom Christman (Tchristman)
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Posted on Friday, March 27, 2009 - 11:40 am:   

I don't know of a truck made that uses air wipers anymore. Electrics are very reliable now without the inherent problems air has. Good Luck, TomC
Patrick levenson (Zubzub)
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Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 9:26 am:   

FWIW in my case as I got more comfortable driving the coach mysteriously the mileage got worse.
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 11:56 am: might try getting a little lubricant into the wiper pistons seals help them seals from the air line, after sitting a while these things dry up and get cruddy.
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 1:04 pm:   

I just talked to Mike and they made it home to Omaha with only a couple minor problems. They lost the oil fill cap and will now not have to worry about the back of the bus rusting, LOL. Overall, he said they had a very enjoyable trip and were not ready to park the bus, but unfortunately, they both have to be at work on Monday morning. Jack
Mike Lester (Tin_woodman)
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Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 4:55 pm:   

Thanks RC and Clint on the ideas on the air wipers - I'll try the lube and see if it helps!

Mike Lester
Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 8:36 pm:   

re: the oil fill cap...everyone that doesn't,put a tether on the cap....even if it tries to escape, you'll have it to put it back on.

happy coaching!
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 8:39 pm:   

Mike...the air cylinders come apart can obtain a rebuild kit from most any Supply firm ...NAPA, Fleet Pride, etc.

I think I have a detailed procedure; let me know if you would like for me to send it to you.

$$ today, (and every day) is precious...for me, if not for others....:-)


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