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Roger Baughman (Roger)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 3:50 am:   

I am removing my orginal A/C System. I was wondering about using the condenser as a back up radiator as my engine tempature guage shows over 240 degrees in very hot conditions as going slow up s steep grade in hot weather. I could put a auto/truck type electric fan with a shroud on the inside of the condensor to aid with cooling the water. I also thought about using the old A/C refridgerent lines to hook up to the radiator system. Check the archives and found no matches. What do you think? Thanks Roger
David Evans (Dmd)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 7:33 am:   

How much extra hoses and capacity? would you have to worry about an extra water pump? It seems like a good idea, sorta like turning on your heater/defroster when the guage starts climbing. Sometimes these ideas get us in trouble tho. What condition is the original cooling system in? Alot of posts about the original system being restored to tip top shape solving alot of problems, i know when we had our radiator core cleaned it solved ours.
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 7:49 am:   

"gauge shows 240 degrees"

I hope your gauge is not accurate! 240 is almost sure death for the Detroit 2 stroke engine. Alarmstats should be going off at 210 or 220 (depending on which alarmstats you have in your engine).
If you still have your OEM heater core and blower fans, turn the bus heat on high, this will help remove excess heat.
You may want have your cooling system checked or modify your driving style. What RPM & gear are you running on these long slow hills? Jack
John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 7:53 am:   

"my engine tempature guage shows over 240 degrees in very hot conditions
as going slow up s steep grade in hot weather. "

The dash gauges are usually more wrong than right. You can check
the "true temperature" using the mechanical gauge at the engine (if you
don't have one, you oughta' get one). The engine alarms should go off,
and the engine should eventually dump, if the temps get that high.

But... If it actually is running that far up, the problem should be found and
repaired. Adding another "radiator" may have it running too cool, giving
you another headache later...
Marc_bourget (Marc_bourget)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 1:22 pm:   

Ditto the comments above.

An A/C condenser would be a very poor choice for an auxiliary radiator - for lots of reasons, but chiefly because it wasn't designed for water-based coolant media

Come to my seminar at Busn'USA this June to find out what it takes to avoid DD 2 stroke overheating.

Done right, maintained right, you shouldn't have a problem - absent rookie/ignorant "hotrodding" attempts.

The insidious aspect of DD 2-strokes is that factory errors may doom you to a life of overheating. (I can show you graphic evidence why!) There are fixes, even for bad castings, and an engine can be made run colder than the proverbial witch's heart. (best done in the process of overhaul)

That's my (proven) story and I'm sticking to it!
ned sanders (Uncle_ned)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 3:17 pm:   


Good to see you back,even if you did step on my toes about my hot rod detroit. "just kidding" I know that you pay for HP with heat but it sure is
fun to walk on the new "coaches" with a old bus.

ucle ned
4104 with 6v92
john w. roan (Chessie4905)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 5:37 pm:   

Save the plumbing and add a low cost mister system after you are sure your regular radiator is clean inside and out with all factory shrouds in place and fans working properly. Of course, I'm assuming you still have the stock size engine or if you have a V92, it has the upgraded radiators. Yes, the mister is a crutch, but it is inexpensive to make up and install and works. You'll know if the engine goes to 240 by all of the white starting to blow out the tailpipes shortly.Detroits- don't overheat them, don't lug them, don't run them out of oil.
Roger Baughman (Roger)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 8:39 pm:   

Marc, where is your BusnUSA seminar being held? I would like to go. Thanks, Roger
david anderson (Davidanderson)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 9:00 pm:   

Not to highjack the post, but Marc, I haven't seen you post in several years. Welcome back.

As for Marc's advice, listen to him. He knows tons (no pun) about air conditioning.

Marc_bourget (Marc_bourget)
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Posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 12:17 am:   

Ned, Not your toes, I was referencing hotrodding poorly done, and I have no reason to think you're in that category.

The next Seminar, if Dave and Dick will let me on the grounds, will be at Rickreal, OR, this June.

As for misters, if you're using misters, you're attacking the problem at the wrong end (or side) of the system. You don't have the "need" for misters unless there is significant problems internally. Those problems are typically so great that I think you could pump ice water through the block and still be in trouble because the "bubble machine" as I call it, would still prevent efficient heat exchange.

Misters ain't gonna help what's going on in the "red zone" The experienced would say you're simply striving for, if not ensuring, a bigger repair bill when the thing finally breaks.

OTOH, thanks for the "tons" compliment, but I'll limit my "special knowledge" to cooling systems. I don't profess to know alot about air conditioning systems.

Onward and Upward.
John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 12:59 am:   


I thought it was "inward and upward" ???

Hey, welcome back! You were "mist".
Roger Baughman (Roger)
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Posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 1:58 am:   

Marc: what day or days in June? And where can I find out more info on the event? Roger
Marc_bourget (Marc_bourget)
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Posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 7:26 am:   


A certain indicator that I've been "away" for awhile is my surprise that you appear to be unaware of Bussin and Bus'nUSA events.

I consider it and Jack Conrad's New Year's fete the premier bussin events for converters.

The Sat. Prime Rib dinner at Bus'nUSA, if it isn't already, should be world famous.

June 25th - 28th.

Website has it all!
doug yes (Dougg)
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Posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 9:55 am:   

We have a new radiator and the only time we need extra cooling is on steep mountain grades, fully loaded, in 100 degree heat. If I turn off the coach a/c and let everyone sweat, then engine stays in safe territory. To relieve all the passenger sweating I just installed a mist system. Once the good Lord revieled the schematic, it all went together smoothly and it works well.

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