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Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 5:24 pm:   

I'd been looking for a good excuse for years. After punting on my first bus, I was ready to go again. And so then a few months ago, the universes aligned themselves properly. I clicked, he clicked, then someone else! Blast! I clicked some more, back and forth clickclick clickclickclick! I was sitting in a meeting trying to make it look all nonchalant, like I was paying attention to the slideshow. Then, lo and behold! "You are the winner of auction #BR549!" I am the winner! Oh boy! I AM THE WINNER! Simmer down now.

But what's it mean? It means that I consume white tshirts at a much faster rate now. It means I get to go argue with the county clerk about the philosophy of recreation, and what type of equipment one needs in order to "recreate" in a manner by which the State approves (and by which the State has prepared a form with check-boxes). It means that I need to climb up on my roof and raise my Cable TV cable. Tear part of my fence down. Man, this thing is huge! Find tanks. Install tanks. Remove seats. Add seats. Rearrange seats. Strip the interior. This thing is filthy! Add some interior fixings. Fix the fiberglass. Fix the exhaust leak. I can't believe a sane person would drill a hole there! What does this switch do? What's that noise? No wonder they didn't want this thing anymore!

But what else is means is that I'm a going to Burning Man this year in high Playa style. I noticed that there is at least one other burner that lurks about these parts. http://www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/tales/davedarling.html

Anyone else going?
hiwaycallin (Hiwaycallin)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 6:02 pm:   

BR549 will be at Burning Man this year?
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 6:23 pm:   

re: BR549 will be at Burning Man this year?

Beats me! I just use BR549 anytime I need an alphanumeric string. Actually, I have my doubts that BR549 the band will be at Burning Man this year. You could always ask 'em!
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 6:26 pm:   

Does anyone remember the original BR549? Clue: It was a phone number Jack
david moody (Buzzincuzzin)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 6:39 pm:   

Junior Samples used cars?
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 6:51 pm:   

"Junior Samples used cars?"

Yep, you got it! RFD TV runs the old HeeHaw shows on Sunday evening at 8 PM EST. Jack
hiwaycallin (Hiwaycallin)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 7:03 pm:   

Hee Haw???!!! Learn something new every day (well almost). Thanks for that trivia Jack.

One of me and my wife's fondest memories was of the time we met Buck Owens in the parking lot of his Crystal Palace one sunny afternoon many years ago. We were 20-something kids that had just traveled down to Bakersfield from Winnipeg (long story), and somehow accidentally ended up in that parking lot after getting lost trying to find a hotel. So there we were, standing in the empty parking lot with map spread out on our rental car when the side door of the club opens up and out walks this guy wearing a big cowboy hat and starts heading towards a fancy Bentley convertible (the only other car in the lot, as it was the middle of the day). Well, my wife about passed out as we both realized, ..."Hey that's Buck Owens". Then he comes over and talks to us for a few minutes and after learning we were poor Canadian kids lost in his hometown, he invites us to his show later that night as his personal guests. What a great guy!

Now just to make this post a little more relevant to this particular forum, I should mention that we did travel down there by BUS (Greyhound of course).
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 7:12 pm:   

Not so fast! I thought it had originated with Hee-Haw too, until today when I found this:

Where! oh where! arrr you to-night? Why did you leeeeave me here all alone...

(Message edited by cullennewsom on June 02, 2009)
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - 9:13 pm:   


Oh well...

Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 12:12 am:   

What? You didn't think I could sing?
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 12:56 am:   

Burning Man - I LOVE it! I live in Nevada and every year it would come around and I would say "I'm going to go this year", but never did. I was the CEO of a company building lots of military/space hardware, and I thought it would look bad if they found out. Last year I retired and I DID go! It was unquestionably the best time I have ever had! I am a burner to the bone now, and my 04 will be there in style. This year I am on the DMV (department of mutant vehicles) inspection team and get early entry, so I plan on a good 2 weeks on the playa. Gotta love it! Any other burners out there? Nellie?
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 6:26 pm:   

Ok, I went to the burning man web sites and I'm sorry I just don't get it. I am either too old, or too straight or too religious or too midwestern or too something.
George M. Todd (George_mc6)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 7:31 pm:   


Any of the things you list disqualify you and yours. (And me and mine.)

I go by it on the train, and see the vehicles leaving West on I80. The dust and alkalai on them is phenomenal!

They had to move it further away from the tracks due to trouble with hallucinating people, so now no naked women at the hot springs next to the tracks, shucks!

Oh well, no accident forms to fill out either...
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 8:15 pm:   

It's not all sex and drugs, although there are lots of those. Burning Man is probably one of the most creative places on the planet - more PhD's per area than anywhere. The displays, art, art cars, and people are some of the most radical and beautifull things you will ever see. Art cars - nothing can be driven that resembles a normal vehicle, and they are decorated to the hilt! I was on the Kazbus - a 40 foot double-decker with a dance floow on top, and persan tapestrys and decor inside, with the outside lit to the hilt and looking like a rolling TajMahal. It's where I decided I wanted a bus! Hundreds of busses, easily a dozen artuclated doubles - one in 100% white fur outside and zebra inside. One, the USS Nevada, is a 50 foot SHIP, with masts that had to be 50-60 feet high. Big money, not just hippys - a lot of them burners were hippys when they were kids, back in the 60's, like me, have grown in business, been sucessfull, and now are kicking back and fund the big projects. The guy at our camp build a 10 story steel building - 45 feet on a side, and an observation platform at every level. It was self supporting, nothing into the ground! During the day, there was a photo booth where people could get their pic taken, and at night, it was projected onto the side of the structure onto a 30 by 80 foot screen. I bet a 100 people got married on the top floor. Amazing technological accomplishment - and a $1M cost. Thousands of art exhibits of all sorts. Music and dance - hell, the SF Opera was there, next to a full size high-wire act (inside) and across from a real life, full size Thunderdome! During the day, it looks like MadMax - with people in bandanas and googles, but at night it is like Mardigas, maybe better. The lights, lasers, and fire at night almost make Las Vegal seem small. It can be seen from space easily it is so colorfull.
I can't help rambling about it, but is was truly a fun event! You guys are probably going to think I'm crazy now...
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 9:55 pm:   

Aaaaack! Who needs that stuff when we have Ace and Fast Fred right here!!! LOL!!!

But seriously, and speaking of busnuts, we have a, now sparingly heard from, but active member of the busnut community who puts on one of the displays at Burning Man, our very own Gary Stadler who has his BM stuff listed at his web site at http://www.heartmagic.com.

If the BM exhibits don't strike your fancy, you may like his great CDs, all 4 of which Gary sent me for my music collection. They're great!

R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 10:14 pm:   

And...I note, Boss Bus Nut...that he has not posted on this board for many moons...at least not Boogiethecat...???...or his other Gary Standler name...


marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 10:23 pm:   

I would rather have what I have here than anything on the web. There is never a dull moment and never know what will be said about what is being said, Gee Figure that one out??
I also don't need that kind of stuff that the web has to offer if ya know what I mean?

Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 - 10:45 pm:   

As the years go by, seeing some stuff on TV and doing a lot of reading, Burning Man is on that list of things that I'd like to go and have a look-see. Or, better said, EXPERIENCED.

Yes, some stuff that isn't supposed to be my cup of tea, being the squeaky clean, washed behind the ears, honest living tax payer that I was raised to be....but the creativity and the concentration of really neat people is intriguing.

Bossnut, we gotta make a plan, get a Canadian contingent together, some arts council funding, a small production company, the whole thing could be pulled off at revenue neutral...

happy coaching!
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 10:46 am:   

BusWarrior and anybody else who is thinking of experiencing BM, I will help you understand the whole thing. It is a bit intimading - comming to a city of 50,000 popping up in a week, then vanishing for a year. Once you are there, it is really friendly and easy. Once you are in and settlet, there are few worries and everybody is helpfull. One concern with your beautifull busses is the dust. Last year I took my brand new 27' Trailbay bumper tow, towed with my brand new 1T Dodge Dually - and I am still cleaning dust out of them! A lot of it was my fault for not properly closing hatches and sealing air leaks, but it is a DUSTY place. I spent about 40 hours cleaning my trailer to get it to the level where my wife was happy, and it was "suggested" that I might want to not take it again. The good news, it was a great lead in to buy my bus! It is not for everyone, clearly. You need to be very open minded and not judge others, be relaxed, and you will have a blast. The noise level is generally pretty high, with music comming from everywhere. There are certain areas of the city that are designated as quiet, others with 24 hour dance "clubs" with 3-4 thousand people dancing non-stop. Keep in mind the city is a 5 mile diameter 3/4 circle - google earth it and it brings it into perspective - it is one of the largest annual gatherings in the world - probably in the top 5, and the largest LNT (leave no trace) anywhere. Only 500 or so pre-approved Art cars, otherwise it is walking or bycycle. Pretty much self-policing with the Sherrifs only called when needed, virtually non-violent with only a few nasty incidents each year. Two hospitals, staffed 24 Hrs by volunteer Dr's and Nurses. The ONLY thing you can buy is ice and coffee - nothing else can be bought. All the food, booze, events, etc are free - donated by people (like myself) that can afford to "give" to the people that can't afford to. Virtually everybody gives something, a lot of it is hame-made BM are bling, just as a thank you. The money from ticket sales, for the most part, goes to hunderds of charities all over the world. Tickets start at $210 then go up $40 every 10,000 or so and are currently at $280, I think. Do the math - 49,500 last year at an average of say $250 - that is a lot of $$ ($12M). I think about 20% goes into funding the larger art projects that need funding, and some goes to the full time staff (probably 95% of the people putting the BM project together are volunteers), so I am guessing lots goes to help save people and the environment. Don't know the numbers. Also, if you go, it is the premere challange in dry camping - no services, water, showers, gas... for 7 days in one of the harshest environments ever. Hundreds of porta-potties. It is really challanging, and I think thats part of the draw. Camping in a nice, clean, grassy-green "dry" campground is different than "surviving" a 50 MPH, 6 hour white-out dust storm! (tell me aganin why I go?).

What can I say, for me, the excitment and freedom outweight the dust! Last year was my first Burna and for the first 2 days, I thought - what the hell am I doing here in this dirt - I could be sitting on my beautifull boat, sipping a cold margarita. As the days went on, I fell in love with the place, the people, and yes, the dust, and now would not miss it for anything. You have to be there to understand - it's kind of like taking a picture of the Grand Canyon - you just can't really appreciate it.
I hope I'm not rambling - I'm not a low-life crazy -I am a very sucessfull corporate guy, now retired, and I have seen so many "mis-representations" of what BM is, that I am trying to put forth a reasonable and accurate portrayal of my experience. Can't help standing up for the what I beleve!
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 10:53 am:   

John, George, Buswarrior,

A lot of us don't really mind the reputation that the place has among the "squares". It keeps them away, (and some of them probably envious). About the only things that aren't welcome/appreciated in Black Rock City are intolerance and advertising.

That being said, if anyone were to go to Burning Man, and not be able to find one thing about it that they liked, I'll eat my shoe. I was very surprised to see things like this on the Playa, my first time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79Xw2uvomR0 I could go on and on, but instead I'll just say that if you have any curiosity left, you might want to go, and if you don't; well, better stay parked where you are.

There is something there for everyone, and Buswarrior, pictures, videos, and words won't do, it has to be seen to be believed.
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 10:28 pm:   

Cullen, Jim and all you "burners"
I would never presume to tell you what is "right" or "wrong" for you. I just stated that it absolutly wasn't something for me. I watched over an hour of video from several years of "burning man". The only thing I saw that was remotely interesting to me was the 17 second clip you left of the JI Case traction engine. I have seen and ran many of these old tractors at Thresheree's and steam shows.

I am glad there is something out there for everyone and I just pray you a safe trip into what looks to me to be a very risky situation with thousands of people doing who knows what in a part of the world that looks like a moonscape but without the fun of 1/3 gravity.

PS here's the excitement from my "neck of the woods"! http://www.wisconsinrapidstribune.com/article/20090604/WRT0101/90604116/1982

(Message edited by bigrigger on June 04, 2009)
niles steckbauer (Niles500)
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 2:01 am:   

The beautiful thing about Burning Man is the fact that a town with no infrastructure and no "rule of law" springs up over night without any "professional" architecture or engineering, without any government approval or intervention, and somehow manages to not only survive, but actually thrives based on the goodwill, acceptance, and cooperation of a bunch of "human beings" who have never met and have no visible common bonds - I dunno, sounds like a pretty cool solution to our disfunctional global politcal status quo - I say, get naked and dance in the mud/dust
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 9:23 am:   

Niles - You would NOT want to see me DANCING NAKED!
It is so amazing to see this thing happen and be a part of it.
Jim (that's Jungle Jim on the playa)
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 10:39 am:   

John and Barb,

Please don't take offense at my comment. Thanks for your prayers, they are appreciated. Despite the many people in close proximity, often at night, often taking risks they wouldn't normally take, I think it is quite safe. Probably safer than the drive out there and back. I reckon that some of the folks there are indeed experiencing lower than normal gravity; but despite all that, the worst injuries are usually sunburn.

As for the excitement in your neck of the woods, scandalous! Was she perchance a newsreader for the local TV station? I've heard that some of them are occasionally drunk, and might not be wearing pants.

Jim is right about the moonscape, it is worse than desolate. So desolate that insects don't bother with the place. I also like the fact that there is only ice, coffee, and lemonade for sale. I'm not a communist, or against capitalism or anything, but it's nice to not be under siege from the marketing battalion of the Coca Cola Co. et al for a few days. Jim gives a good description, but there's really not a way to fully describe it. That, and he forgot to mention the Tesla Coils. Jim, thanks for speaking up!

BTW Jim, Burning Man discloses their expenditures every year, so that you can see what they do with the money.

And it is dusty too. The vehicle I took in 2006 still has white dust in it, and I had to clean out several relay contacts, and my power window switches (they needed it anyway). I just happened to have litmus paper with me in 2006 and so I scooped up a cup of dirt, poured in some water, and made a little test. Ph was 10! Not too scientific I know; but I didn't expect 10.

Accordingly, I am taking my recently-purchased-from-a-transit-authority bus to the Playa. I've stripped its interior, made some very basic improvements, and thrown up some prototype walls and things. After Burning Man, if the bus survives, I plan to apply the lessons I learn, and begin on it again.

I'm taking an extra air filter, an old one that I cleaned out, and I'll install it as we arrive, and put my new one back in once back on the highway.

I wouldn't advise anyone to go there without taking precautions against the dust.
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 10:46 am:   

Niles, all burners have a common bond, it's blinking LED's!
Brian Elfert (Belfert)
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 11:25 am:   

I go to an event at the same Blackrock playa every year, but about a month later than Burning Man.

The playa is hell on vehicles. You'll never get the dust out of a vehicle or any personal stuff that goes outside. I can instantly recognize stuff of mine that has been to the playa.

My bus was specifically designed to deal with the dust. I have vinyl flooring and no fabric or carpet in the bus except the seats and the mattresses. The mattresses have covers to keep them clean.
Keith Wood (Ft6)
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 12:16 pm:   

I've seen dust. Dunno why I would go with thousands of other people to see more of it. ;)

OTOH, I figure some Burning Man type will buy my 4903, finish the conversion, and have a blast with it.
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 12:34 pm:   

The dust is like talcum powder - super fine and does get everywhere. I still get a little puff out of my truck A/C, but to a burner, its a gentle reminder of the playa. To my wife and kids, it smells funny. Had no idea the ph was 10- WOW, thats really high! I am looking into building a well filtered air supply for the bus that will keep positive pressure inside, and keep all the hatch doors closed and sealed to minimize the coating. I'm thinking a 24" cube with 4 high efficiency air filters that sits on the roof over a hatch and has a good size squirrel cage blower. I'm also sealing all the windows with that windo film - the stuff you use a hair dryer to streach tight - works great. Just might cut the dust down to a 1/2" thick coating instead of 2"!
Also, really glad to hear there are other Burners here - I didn't want to totally alienate myself as a crazy!
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 1:16 pm:   


I am thinking about the same thing (a dust filter) I want to build a giant particle separator (like the one in front of my air filter) out of plastic drums. Hope I can get it done in time.

Kasse Weikel (More_s_than_as)
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Posted on Saturday, June 06, 2009 - 3:57 am:   

jim - youll never keep the playa outa the bus complketley because ppl wil be entering and leaving it correct? what i do for the storms...i got a small AC unit that fits peerfectly in my reaer XJ jeep window. only get in it during storms and turn on AC and the volcano ;-p teh downside is it only comfortably fits 5 ppl seated and 2-3 in the back. that smell from the the vents is GLORIOUS!!! SO MANY MEMEORIES OMG!!!!!!!

cullen - lmfao about the LED this year i want to raise up a 400 watt sodium in a huge painted rice paper shade lamp so i can make it home on those long nights

niles - u said it man i always say that this world needs more community

to those who are curious...its true you can only trade little green slips of paper for ice and coffee, otherwise its USELESS OUT THERE MWUAHAHAHA! if u ever need anything ASK and you will receive (here and now from another human being). theres TONS of weekend warrioir party frat boys that leave mega trash, the DPW is the crew in charge of clean up out there and they go out a month ahead and stay a month behind literally picking up every last cig butt...thats wehre your 300 dollar ticket tag mainly goes to. they didnt do the camp donations last year cause harvey (they guy who started it all) is in some un-related law trouble. mostly donations come from stuff the DPW recycles from trust fund kids leaving behind. i know in 2006 it was in the reno gazette journal that BM donated enough recycled wood to build 17 huge relief homes in N reno for the needy. but if you really dont want to participate then plz dont go out of pure curiousity because none of us including you would want that

the PH i hear is actually more than ten if u can read it with the dropper test oh an actual digital ph meter...walk around out there for a week with no shoes and see how long it takes for the "playa foot" to go away once u get home lmfao long time!

if any of u want to try it out but feel illequiped just hit me up 775-450-0835 ill make sure you dont get left out in a storm or starve ;-p

BTW - jim w/e happened with thtat deck that was being given away did u score it? if not where is it? i still wnat that blue shag carpet for me geodome brotha! howd u get on the inspection team? whgo u know? i was gonna register my camp this year to get early entry as well! i wanna see your bus all playafied as im sure youll want to come track some dust into mine as well!
Kasse Weikel (More_s_than_as)
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Posted on Saturday, June 06, 2009 - 4:03 am:   

i blow out my generator filter everyday out there and i honestly dont see how one could keep up on it like that (i change the filters in my mask after every playa storm if im out and about and everytime i thank the heavens i was wearing that thing!

the particle filter is a snappy idea! if you are seriously moving CFMs and get it to work id love to come scope your design as to maybe fabricate my own???
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Saturday, June 06, 2009 - 1:13 pm:   

The air filter concept, in reality, is like a swamp cooler, with external filters. I am trying to find a small one - maybe even one of those roor-mount rv ones,(anyone have one they want to sell?) and build a filter box around it. Disposable a/c filters would sort out a lot of the dust, and that's all you can hope for. Reality is, there are lots of people comming and going that track dirt in, but the stuff that gets in on it's own over the days really adds up, and to have a positive pressure would really help. The evap would work great, although they consume a lot of water - maybe I need 2 waterbeds! I think running the genny for AC is not appropriate, and evaps take little power. I only have the bus 20 gallon gas tank, and my 7.5 Onan uses about 1 gal/Hr average - I need more gas! I have a little 1000W portable that only sips - seems like it will run 8 hours on a gallon, so it would run the evap with a 1/4HP blower, I think.
Lots to do, and only 3 months to get it done!
Kasse - the roof rack was far from free - by the time it's bought and swapped, it would be $3-4-5-6K project. It's probably a $20K+ SS deck and if I had a matching Prevost, might be a good match! I still have not pulled the carpet, but its getting closer. You know, I should probably pull it out in one piece, and keep in as a carpet in front of my bus to show people tha original color - blue shag! Not. I'll let you know.

We are going to have to ll meet and check out each others busses! Earlier this year I did that with a bunch of on-line boating friends - 22 of us that had never met, got together at one marina and spent the weekend - what a kick! By the way, Bussing is adictive - I find myself thinking about selling my boat, and you don't know how out of sorts that is!
Kasse Weikel (More_s_than_as)
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Posted on Saturday, June 06, 2009 - 6:22 pm:   

lol well you are the river rat eh?

i have a mini honda generator for my lil ac as well. the economy switch on those things works great! i only refilled it once (1.1 gallon tank) last year and we were running our lights off it at night too.

i definetly like the idea of encorporating water. u can find low volume high PSI pumps online. down at home depot they have pre-fabbed mister lines that can be hooked together for up to 50 feet! and thats for typical house water pressure, i seen some little pumps that can get up to 140lbs. this year i wanted to put misters in my dome with a fan blowing in through the hole in the parachute. i agree a positive charge is good to have, especially in a storm. you have seen other camps with mister stations for ppl to hang out in right? the de'menthe camp runs misters allday. i rarely see more than 2 50 gallon water jugs hanging out, i dont think misters take much but i dunno bout swampers. OT but u seen the Mr. mister bus????? hes got a bus shelled and water proofed with a bunch of water drums in there and a high pressure hose. he tells you to get to the rear of the bus and put your arms up, then whooooosh! u almost get blown out the back!

just dont throw the carpet away. definetly use it if u can....that would be a sweet front yard for the bus...some crazy looking fake flowers and stuffed animals and your almost there with a jungle theme! last year at the how weird festival is SF they had an entire alley set up like that all jungle status it was awesome! huge stuffed gorillas make good back rest to sit against!

my bus is 408 miles north right now but shes going to black rock for sure. 3 months thats it!!! i ahvnt even realized that yet, man how scary! i gotta get to work!
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Saturday, June 06, 2009 - 9:03 pm:   

Misters use about a gallon per head - about as little as any head. I took a new, clean garden sprayer, removeded the original spray tip and replaced it with a mist head - worked like a champ! It turns out that one mist head like that, with a fan to move the air, works a lot metter than 5 mist heads just letting the water fall. You need to move the air. Evap coolers, left to run as they are made, will use 10 gallons an hour easily - very effective at cooling, but a lot of water for the playa.
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Saturday, June 06, 2009 - 10:50 pm:   

Kasse - If you can't find camp under a 400 watt lamp, you probably won't need to.

Anybody see a problem with swamp cooling their graywater away? All the nasties should remain in the pan, which you could clean out, right?
Bruce Henderson (Oonrahnjay)
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Posted on Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 12:30 am:   

Cullen, the whole deal of "Legionnaire's Disease" in the '70's was that it was thought to be spread by "nasties" in aerosol water. I won't complain too much about your scheme but I think that there's a chance that nasties could be expelled with the cool air/humidity.
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 1:45 am:   

I would not consider it without some real good filtration, and even with that, it would make me nervous - kind of like Bruce says. Filtering out dust is one thing, but body perperation, oily soap, and any food stuff from the sink - don't know how to get them out, and what they might do if they were sent on to people in the evap stream. Sounds too risky.
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 1:30 pm:   

Bruce, Good point. This is for a very short duration though. I don't think we'd have time to develop too big a jungle of bacteria and mold. BTW this would be going on our dome, not our bus. If we continue with the plan though, I think we'll add some chlorine, or treat the water in some sensible way. UV, Chlorine, boiling, something or maybe all of the above. Thanks.

Jim, be careful where you walk on the Playa, I know for certain that I've seen people misting gray water on the Playa. Not saying that makes it kosher. But I don't see much difference in the mister systems and a swamp cooler. More exposure maybe. But I agree, some treatment is a good idea. Maybe bring a barrel and let the dirt settle to the bottom. And, more UV LED's!
Jim Gibson (River_rat)
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Posted on Monday, June 08, 2009 - 11:11 am:   

Cullen, I had thought about just using an evap cooler, or better and quicker, a small electric pressure sprayer, with a fan tip, 20 feet up, to quickly get rid of gray water. Not really for people cooling, just a way to get the water gone. I'm think i'm going to use a plastic pond - simple and safe and if I put on the side of my bus with the genny, it will keep people from camping too close. I did have another idea - I have a 7.5 onan with air cooling - thats a really big blower, and thought about making a duct that re-routed the air from under the bus, up the outside. The genny heat + lots of air will make sure there is nothing but vapor. I was thinking one of those porus drip hoses in a coil in the duct would give the water lots of surface area, and it would get it way up in the air. A pond is a lot less work, and about $10 total, but where's the challange in that!
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Sunday, July 19, 2009 - 8:54 pm:   

I'm back from having been away on business (jobs, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em).

Unfortunately, we didn't get our theme camp application done before the deadline. So, I can't predict where my camp will be. But, here is a link to the map for this year, in case it helps. http://www.burningman.com/preparation/maps/09_maps/index.html
In any case, I'll happily extend an invitation to any and all to visit our camp, if you can find us. We have the ANSI standard silver reinforced mylar / EMT conduit dome, and my bus. In other words, barely distinguishable from anyone else.
one ugly bus with ANSI Burner Dome

As with every project (except gov't ones) you have to trim features as the deadline approaches (since we can't push the deadline). And so it is with the disgusto-swamp cooler, and the particle sep. However, after more consideration, I have come to the opinion that a big particle sep, would only work well at high velocities, and I am now satisfied that keeping the little one that I already have clean will be sufficient. And, maybe we'll do the sprayer tip and/or pond.

Kasse, If you don't mind, I've saved your telephone number. Who knows what'll happen along the way, and misery loves company. I'll offer up mine, and if anyone needs help along the way, we'll help if we can. So, if you see my number in you phone, don't answer, for it surely means trouble. I think we'll be taking the Texas>New Mexico>Arizona>Nevada Route, but like I said, who knows what'll happen.
cell number

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