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Peter River (Whitebus)
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Posted on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - 6:56 pm:   

I have been working on a commercial web project.

I was thinking about emblazoning the website name in 8' high letters on the side of the bus, and use it as an advertising platform.

however, I am concerned about the status of the coach, as being a private coach insured as a private vehicle.

if I use it for a commercial use, will this result in additional insurance cost and other expenses (registration etc) that I don't know about?

(Message edited by WhiteBus on July 22, 2009)
Len Silva (Lsilva)
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Posted on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - 7:41 pm:   

It's been discussed here and over there many times. Lot's of issues including CDL, DOT numbers, etc.
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 2:11 am:   

When I began my "exodus" from winnipeg and started my 6 month journey west a few years back the MC 8's panels where plain white, within weeks I decide go go dual purpose , to get a little more bang for the buck out of my shrinking nest egg. That is when I decide on the message boards on the side panels should be used to announce my website, which is a social political announcement not a business website. Some of the problems this caused including being mistaken for a commercial vehicle rather than the recreation vehicle it is registered as include restriction on parking; in a few cities suffering from bylaw banana itis, it was interpreted as a violation as it was deemed commercial advertising. I did point out that there were many vehicle parked in the same public property that did in fact have real business advertised on them , beyond the "ford,chevy or dealership logos & asked if they also were in violation. obviously there was vehicle discrimination going on. Point is there is a price to pay when you don't do as the romans when in rome.
As for insurance matters, hum,,,
well unless you are favored by your adjuster, any technicality , written or implied is more than enough ammunition to deny a claim, not unlike those that earn a living by handing out tickets. We do swim in a sea of cheat & gain with broad use of the concept of convenience belief , with reality resting on the sea floor, often buried under the fish excrement.
A commercial vehicle also is require to have a commercial vehicle safety inspection every 6 months or once a year , unlike a recreation vehicle, not that we drive a vehicle that is unsafe, nor do we just assumed it to be safe.
I will not even comment on private property parking such as RV parks, as if they don't wish to have me there, then I try to respect there property rights & business decision as far as esthetic go, even if they are illegally discriminating against my property rights. Really wouldn't want to sleep in there yard anyhow, if that is all they are about.
John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 1:43 pm:   

I think there's some confusion regarding "commercial use"
regarding a bus conversion...

You're not hauling passengers, or using it as one would a truck
(to haul items used directly and solely for a business), so you
don't need "commercial" plates or commercial insurance.

If it's registered as an RV, it's an RV. You're allowed to
go where commercial vehicles aren't allowed., you don't have
to stop at R/R crossings or weigh stations.. and you don't need
DOT logbooks, or conform to DOT/CDL occupational standards.

Just putting a banner or sign on the sides or rear, doesn't
change the classification of the type of vehicle it is; what
you are actually using it for, does.

Your Home Owner's Association may feel it's pushing the
envelope and tell you not to park it in your driveway, but
people fight that garbage every day down here in Florida.
(and win)

It's either a commercial vehicle being used solely for profit
(or business), or it's a private, not-for-hire vehicle.... with
possibly some advertising on it.

I might not want


high letters, tho... If it were me, I would try to work the
biz name into the overall design, a bit more subtle, perhaps...?

Happy motoring.
Peter River (Whitebus)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 2:45 pm:   

ok, sorry for rehashing previously hashed discussion.

how about another point, I was concerned about the same thing re: parking and overnighting, as two posts above me.

therefore, removable magnetic/adhesive removable sticker type of banner would be advantageous, although driving down the freeway with a 8'x24' wide banner ready to flap off would not be a smart thing to do. so I am still in the thinking stage at this point.

and Yes, I do want it as large as possible, that's the point of it, isn't it? :-)
Bob MacIsaac (Wildbob24)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 3:28 pm:   


This is going to fall into somewhat of a grey area. In the federal rules governing commercial vehicles there are exceptions to required compliance, one of which is:

FMCSA 390.3(f)(3) "The occasional transportation of personal property by individuals not for compensation nor in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise"

That last phrase is where you may have a problem. Any DOT officer could interpret your advertisement of a commercial website as being "in furtherance of a commercial enterprise" and cause problems for you. I've seen it happen to amateur racers who haul cars in trailers with company logos on the side.
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 3:33 pm:   

I had though of magnetic signs & the big price, but they don't stick to well to the aluminum skins on a MC 8.
I don't think you were being reprimanded for rehashing, just reminded to search the archives if you had time , while awaiting others new feed input into this particular bus application. Looks are everything in a superficial world, & they are still something in a technical world too. Thanks for starting this potentially great thread buswhite, I was going to many times too, but never had the time.
Len Silva (Lsilva)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 5:08 pm:   

Peter, I certainly did not mean to sound like I was reprimanding you for not searching the archives, merely to point out that there was some information there. Poor choice of words on my part.

Peter River (Whitebus)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 7:31 pm:   

ok, simple misunderstanding, thanks len :-)
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 9:41 pm:   

my best message was on the roof, added for the vancouver tour (parked downtown under the sky scrapers) and my boon-docking under the vancouvr international airport glide path. Seem to my logic that the message was a warm welcome to first timers about to arrive in canada, perfect for those EIGHT FOOT LETTERS , maple leaf logo and graphics, never needed cleaning either , and the glow in the dark paint lasted longer on the roof. I just love mutli-media art for communication applications, makes the message worth observing even if the content is of no interest.
As the wondrous & ingenious F.F. often sazzzzs , do it your way, friend.
Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 10:41 pm:   

People do it with their personal cars all of the time.
John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Friday, July 24, 2009 - 12:20 am:   

Pete -

"Yes, I do want it as large as possible, that's the point of it, isn't it? "

Naww, actually, the point of it is:
"I want to use a non-commercial vehicle to further a commercial entity,
and get away with it"

And to that extent, you're either going to have to be a bit discrete with
that advertising, or re-register it as a commercial vehicle and pay yer dues.

We are allowed to get away with a ton (actually, over 10 tons) of
legal crapola by calling a used commercial heavy-duty vehicle
a "recreational vehicle", and take advantage of what the RV industry
has spent millions in lobbying for. They don't want no frikkin laws
stopping people from buying and driving a big expensive rig.

So, we really oughta' play fair, and do what we desire to do as
discreetly as possible. Otherwise, the RV industry may lobby to
make "home-made recreational vehicles" exempt from the percs
afforded to the commercial RV industry.

Those clowns driving 18 wheel rigs, carrying cars for hire, and
trying to classify their rig as an "RV" for private use, may
change soon. I wouldn't be surprised if it makes life tougher
for busnuts too, if/when the laws eliminate the loopholes.

That's what happens when we carelessly take advantage of
a "freebee".

Eight Foot lettering? Personally, a small, respectable 2x4 sign
snap-fastened to the rear, or the side, would be effective for
advertising, without creating the hassles of what would otherwise
appear as a major ad on a commercial vehicle.

There. That's my opinion.
Peter River (Whitebus)
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Posted on Friday, July 24, 2009 - 3:23 am:   

^good opinion. thanks.

the idea of putting it on the roof never occured to me. That's something I will definitely do.

R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Friday, July 24, 2009 - 9:18 am:   

Good fer ya, JTNG....great perspective!...there are possibilities...yet. :-) :-)

Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 10:35 am:   

Thank you for speaking my guilty conscience McNine, I had wrestled often with my decisions to dual purpose my bus as a "public service" message board when it was still traveling the roads. Hopefully by the time the old coach & I are $ prepared $ for the next adventure the disturbingly important message on the side & top will be rendered redundant & the decision to repaint will be made for me.
I do try to respect & comprehend the common notion of rest & recreation (RV parks & public parks)areas being a refuge from worldly concerns for the majority of folks, as that is there way. My only refuge in my eccentric "hell of awareness" is obviously to describe problems & attempt to concoct resolutions; which does unfortunately involve conscripting my fellow sheep where ever I see them lie/lay, (how is that spelled)
As always your shared wisdom & incite is most valuable, it is rare that I find a fellow "advocate of the painful truths" with a similar propensity towards unbiased observations as you my dear friend, keep on busin what ever way you are "Able", sir.

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