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Dale MC8 (

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Posted on Saturday, January 18, 2003 - 5:22 am:   

About 10 years ago there were some floorplans that had the sofa across the coach instead of the traditional along the wall location. Are there any of you out there that have had a couch with a 'sideways' sofa? Did you like it? What were the pro's and con's?

Thinking about it for my coach. Thanks for any help.

Dale MC8
Scott Whitney (

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Posted on Saturday, January 18, 2003 - 11:11 am:   

How would you get across the aisle? Or would that be a side-aisle layout with a short enough sofa to leave aisle open? Love seat maybe?

dalefleener (

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Posted on Saturday, January 18, 2003 - 12:00 pm:   

Yeah, just like you said Scott, side aisle w/love seat.

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Posted on Saturday, January 18, 2003 - 1:39 pm:   

I tried to design one in my coach, I think it would have been a great looking design and away from the norm BUT size had always been the problem. I saw a pic where someone placed two chair on the opposite side of a breakfast wall, the chairs were facing the front of the bus, it looked good but the chairs were not the traditional 6 foot width of a couch. I played with drawings thinking of using a futon using the 4 foot width, this I could get to fit but have been told that futons don't stay real comfortable. What killed my plan for a forward facing couch was I wanted too much STUFF and there just was not enough space to place it all with that type of arrangement.
- good luck if you can fit it in, it certainly does look good and has many possibilities but you have to make a great design to fit it in. I hope you can build what you want-cd
Stephen Fessenden (Sffess) (

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Posted on Saturday, January 18, 2003 - 7:49 pm:   

I saw a coach with a side to side sofa at Angola Coach in Polk City, Florida 3 years ago. It had been used by a family with kids. I guess they liked to ride facing forward. It also had a hatch to a playroom in a bay.

The next time I saw the coach, Angola had redone the interior with a lengthwise couch and sealed the hatch. It just didn't sell with the sid to side couch. I didn't like it.

There was room to get around even though the couch was full sized. It may have been a 102" wide coach.
Bill 05 (

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Posted on Sunday, January 19, 2003 - 9:54 pm:   

Here, maybe these pictures will help. It is interior pictures of our coach with the layout you are considering and No, not everybody likes this style. It has for some reason produced rave reviews to the majority of people who have ever been in it for its sofa and layout. P.S. If we all liked the same thing wouldn't it be boring.
Dale MC8 (

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Posted on Monday, January 20, 2003 - 11:33 am:   

Thanks Bill. Are all these pictures of the same interior? It looks like you have both a loveseat and a sofa. Am I looking at it wrong or is this so?
Dale MC8
Ace (

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Posted on Monday, January 20, 2003 - 3:12 pm:   

Dale the other interior you see is our EAgle showing a regular couch along the curb side!

Phil (

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Posted on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 8:21 am:   

I once looked at a Coachman diesel pusher with a side to side coach and side aisle and liked the layout. Seemed to give the feeling of a larger living room. Much nicer for watching TV or socializingwith 4 to 5 people by using the driver and co-pilot seats turned around. Worked well with the typical flat floor of a comercial diesel pusher motorhome. What was lost is the ability to have facing coaches if that is your desire for more seating capacity. Works better with 102 width.

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