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Jim Wilke (

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Posted on Sunday, January 19, 2003 - 8:59 am:   

"Da Book" (parts) shows a finned air cooling tube (like the ones on large shop compressors) between the compressor and the air dryer. A previous owner removed this but I am replacing it. The picture shows this tube which is formed like the letter "W" but it does not show where in the engine compartment it is mounted. Can anybody tell me where this is mounted in their bus? Mine is an '88 Model 15.
Jayjay (

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Posted on Monday, January 20, 2003 - 12:12 am:   

I'm not an Eagle Driver (Oh how the Air force boys hated that one), but it shouldn't matter where it's mounted, as long as it gets a good supply of cooling air. The more the merrier. Two of them with lot's of air flow would be even better. The air line near the compressor will blister you, so any cooling is a great help. HTH. Cheers...JJ
Tom Hamrick (Tomhamrick) (

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Posted on Monday, January 20, 2003 - 1:07 pm:   

My model 10 is located between the rear wheels, just underneath the wiring tray.
Tom Hamrick
84 Eagle 10S
Jim-Bob (

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Posted on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 - 9:47 pm:   

Jayjay, I agree with you about the more air the better, But my compressor outlet is on the right side of the engine & the radiator is on the left side. If Eagle thought there was enough air on the right side that would be good enough for me. So I'm asking hoping somebody can tell me where it should be.

Hey Tom, thanks for the info. When you say wiring tray, do you mean the hatch in the bus floor? And do you mean between the drive or tag wheels? Up by the floor? If so, how does the air get to & from it, piping or hoses?

Sorry to ask so many questions.

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