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Greg - Claudia (

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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 11:18 am:   

Hi all you Bus Nut;s

What do you think about putting a video tape of my bus on Ebay? Potential buyers could take a closeup look. I would do it about one week before the bus itself goes on ebay ??
Good deal or not? Give me some feedback.
Thanks so much,
Greg and Claudia
Geoff (Geoff) (

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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 12:05 pm:   

That would be a good pre-sale gimmick, are you going to sell it time-share (fractional ownership)?

'82 RTS CA
Greg-Claudia (

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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 12:15 pm:   

ya 100% share haha
They buy the bus and they can drive it everyday :)
Just think it would be a good deal to look it over good before they buy. At least they can see it and if they want to make plans to come and see it they will have a good idea of what they're getting.to look at
Scott Whitney (

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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 12:45 pm:   

Good idea. When I have sold cars on eBay in the past, I created a whole Web page with literally dozens and dozens of pictures and detailed description. A video would be better. I am appalled sometimes that people try to sell a 50 thousand dollar vehicle based on a skimpy, vague, one paragraph description and a few small, dark photos.

If you are serious about selling the bus, and your target price is worth the effort, here is what you might want to do:

Create a web page with at least a dozen pictures, or at least use eBay's picture service and post the maximum number of pictures. But make this auction just for the video tape. Make it a dutch auction with a quantity of maybe 20 vides. Could offer them at an even $5.00 including s&h. That way only serious parties will bid and not waste your time with lookieloos.

In the video tape auction, state the exact start and end date of the real bus auction - which might be two weeks later. Need to allow time for the first auction to end and the tapes to arrive.

Then in the bus auction itself, state all the details and pics as in the first auction, but also include all the payment and inspection details etc.

State as many details as possible so people don't have to guess or e-mail you asking for basic info. Generally what I did for my payment terms, was state clearly that the winning bid MUST send a certain deposit by a certain date and the inspection MUST be scheduled by a certain date for a time not later than another date. Then I offered the option of refusal to buy, but they MUST come for physical inspection if they want the deposit back. That prevents people making excuses for not getting around to inspection, or deciding not to buy without ever seeing the vehicle but yet still expecting the deposit back. Basically reduces the chances of frivolous bids and wasting your time. Also, if they don't get the deposit in right away, you can write them off as a deadbeat, and run another auction thereby avoiding wasting months on some dreaming lookieloo making excuses.

BTW, I produced and sold a video on eBay called, 'How to Create Expert Auctions' a couple years ago. It is a bit outdated now as many things on eBay have since changed, but I have a few copies left. It doesn't deal with selling vehicles, but might be of interest. However, some of the general tips and info might be useful for you. (as well as a sample video in its own right) If you are interested, let me know and I'll send you a gratis copy.

Greg - Claudia (

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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 2:54 pm:   

scott if you want that would but good !!

we are going to put pic of bus on web page and or ebay so they will know what it look like and we will only put about 6 tape on for sale ducth auction been watching bids and it look like only 6 or so bidding and not just playing !thanks for your feedback hope to hear for other
jmaxwell (

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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 3:23 pm:   

G&C: IMHO strictly from the standpoint of a buyer. I believe that the video would be of marginal value only. I qualify that by saying that I found my latest bus on E-Bay: I did not buy it off of E-Bay since I am of the opinion that E-Bay has more flakes floating around on it than Mt. Whitney and that is especially true of the shoppers (potential buyers). My interest was gotten with 6 good pics and what appeared to be an honest description, and it turned out to be a very honest description upon physical inspection. As a serious shopper who was looking to buy the right bus at a good price, I was not inclined to hassle w/ the BS from a bunch of lookies and dreamers who couldn't buy a feed of oats for a nightmare, let alone a 50k bus. If someone becomes seriously interested in your bus based on a listing on e-bay they will contact u and they will make an appointment to inspect it. I happen to think that your best strategy is to remain flexible in accomodating personal inspection, keeping in mind that e-bay is merely a means of advertising a high dollar item that most people seeing and wanting it can't afford it. I can't imagine any serious buyer making the decision to buy it based on a video anymore than they would with a few good pics, which don't tell the story. Perhaps u could have a video available for potentially serious buyers, but this entire process consumes time, generally more than the time-line of an e-bay auction. I bought mine nearly 3 months after it 1st appeared on e-bay, when I 1st saw it.
Michael J (Mjryan) (

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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 6:05 pm:   

I qualify that by saying that I found my latest bus on E-Bay: I did not buy it off of E-Bay since I am of the opinion that E-Bay has more flakes floating around on it than Mt. Whitney and that is especially true of the shoppers (potential buyers). ect.........

Hey Mr. Maxwell what kind of statement is that?
Do you know first hand there are more flake on E-Bay or are you just picking on folks less fortunate than you? If your statement is true you have insulted most of the folks on this board.
Scott Whitney (

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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 6:15 pm:   

The eBay community is just like any other random slice of society. Mostly good people, but some crooks, some scumbags, some flakes, some rich, some poor. You choose your crowd to hang with by nature of the wording of your auctions or your analysis of a seller's feedback ratings.

jmaxwell (

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Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 12:45 am:   

Michael: I wasn't picking on anybody except all the flaky lookies on e-bay that screw up a lot of auctions and waste the time and money of sellers by bidding on items that they have no intentions of buying because they have no means of paying for it or over-bidding an item to win with the intention of then entering into negotiations for a lower price. Happens all the time Last time I checked e-bay surveys (which they conduct on an ongoing basis) the #1 complaint of sellers was buyers who flaked-out on a sale. It has nothing to do with more or less fortunate than me, just honesty and integrity.
G & C (

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Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 7:18 am:   

Well ok
If you look at the seller name and look at one of the high bidder name you might think they are friend??? who know ??
but I think ebay is a good place to buy and sell item
thanks for all your feedback
thanks again scoot

eBayMotorsBid History for
98/72 MCI SOUTHWEST MOTOR HOME (Item # 2403755893)

Currently $47,600.00 First bid $15,000.00
Quantity 1 # of bids 25
Time left 10 hours, 45 mins +
Started Feb-13-03 15:00:00 PST
Ends Feb-20-03 15:00:00 PST
Seller (Rating) golfplaceusa(0

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Bidding History (Highest bids first)
User ID Bid Amount Date of Bid
kenharts(1) - Feb-19-03 20:11:50 PST

( blacktitanium )(0) - Feb-17-03 19:06:04 PST

cc5050(19) - Feb-18-03 03:55:03 PST
slitruck(8) - Feb-17-03 10:31:09 PST
blacktitanium(0) - Feb-17-03 12:55:52 PST
olvet56(3) - Feb-16-03 07:39:36 PST
kkkath(5) - Feb-16-03 12:24:19 PST
cc5050(19) - Feb-16-03 04:45:03 PST
051335(0) - Feb-15-03 19:12:10 PST
olvet56(3) - Feb-15-03 09:18:54 PST
051335(0) - Feb-15-03 19:11:22 PST
051335(0) - Feb-15-03 19:10:25 PST
051335(0) - Feb-15-03 19:09:26 PST
051335(0) - Feb-15-03 19:08:03 PST
kkkath(5) - Feb-15-03 04:01:05 PST
deanhayden(13) - Feb-14-03 20:23:53 PST
www.busnuts.com(18) - Feb-14-03 13:23:35 PST
kkkath(5) - Feb-14-03 03:31:32 PST
this$due(104) - Feb-14-03 06:44:42 PST
www.busnuts.com(18) - Feb-13-03 20:20:09 PST
hodomady(0) - Feb-13-03 18:05:07 PST
gpd4@qis.net(22) - Feb-13-03 17:38:26 PST
hodomady(0) - Feb-13-03 18:04:17 PST
hodomady(0) - Feb-13-03 16:09:26 PST
hodomady(0) - Feb-13-03 16:08:24 PST
Michael J (Mjryan) (

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Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 10:18 am:   

Ok Mr. Maxwell maybe I was a little to sensitive.
Michael j
G & C (

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Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 10:50 am:   

LOL :) you just never know ??
Dwight (

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Posted on Saturday, February 22, 2003 - 8:53 am:   

I do not know, I was not there, but seems to me mr. max did just what he complained about, just he did not bid on the bus on ebay, he went and looked at it in person and haggled a price with the owner ???? Im sure as cheap as he could get it ??? !!!
jmaxwell (

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Posted on Saturday, February 22, 2003 - 12:10 pm:   

Dwight: Wrong, we agreed on a price before I went to look at it(the seller's offer and conditioned on the bus being essentially what he represented; it was) and that is the price I paid, there was no haggling as such. I did bid on it; the e-bay price ended up nearly 33% higher than what I paid for it, and, as the seller and I suspected would happen, the high bidder suddenly became incognito. It was the 3rd auction on the bus that fell thru because of flaky bidders. Look, I recognize e-bay as a good place to advertise one for sale or to shop for one; I just don't happen to think that it is a very good forum for closing the deals. Previous to all this, I had high bid on 2 other buses, 1 in upstate NY(MCI C3) and 1 in Portland(Neoplan Spaceliner). They both turned out to be absolute junk that were completely mis-represented upon inspection. The MCI had undergone an engine change(from 8v92 to 8v71) and the Neoplan was rusted away along with numerous safety issues and an engine that wouldn't fire off. I spent a substantial amount of money travelling to inspect those buses, all for naught. As to the Neoplan I bought, the seller had spent a considerable amount of money and a lot of effort, all for naught until I came along. For him, e-bay ended up as a medium of advertisement, but he didn't sell it off of e-bay; likewise, I didn't buy it off of e-bay.
Dwitght (

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Posted on Sunday, February 23, 2003 - 1:00 am:   

My point exactly ...
If it had not been for ebay he would not have sold it to you because you most likely would not have learned about it .....
sure you have flaky bidders just like flaky sellers, but my god man, you have that all over !!!

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