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Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
Registered Member
Username: Garylee

Post Number: 242
Registered: 3-2004
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Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010 - 8:51 pm:   

Hello Everyone,
To Ian, I am sorry if I have crossed your line here for posting again, you may delete this post if you feel it is inappropriate for posting on this board. The Mosque being considered to be built at Ground Zero is still on my heart and mind, I have to do to stand up for what I have always believed in all my life. I know you have to do what you have to also for what is best for your board. I am sorry if I have crossed you line here, but I am not sorry for standing up for that anniversary of horror and terror on our minds in just a few more days.

Again Ian, I will understand what you have to do. Gary.

I was going to wait a few more days to post this but this being an important weekend for Blue Collar workers in particular receive one day of celebration for themselves I thought it appropriate before you leave for your 3 day weekend with your family that you read my very, very long post I am about to submit. There will be a few that will not agree with me as did when I posted the Video with the (Hell No Mosque) a couple of weeks ago.

I have not waivered from my feeling about that issue and will not, no matter what "Rights" anyone feels should be honored now days versus the rights most of us babyboomers fought for and see now the possibility of lobyist changing our lives and those of our families in the very near future.

I am rambling here, so sorry to keep you in suspense, if you did not agree with anything I stated for the (Hell NO Mosque) video, you might as well stop reading and go on to see what you can find about "Sponge Bob, Square Pants" and stay happy as you are. Here is the disclaimer I wrote and it took a long time to do, at 4 am in the morning thinking of you all. I also have documented a poem I enjoy doing but this is from my heart to those that agree with me perhaps in the background but yet watch those trash me perhaps because of the importance of this Anniversary we just cannot allow to be disrespected as looks very soon will be allowed to do just that.

"Gary Lee"

Here is my Disclaimer first:

This is my disclaimer for the poem I have written included in this post. I wrote that poem starting at 4 AM several days ago as it was on my mind as I lay away at that hour, on that particular day. I felt I had to put into words of rhyme which come from the heart and I hope to have your attention as your read it and perhaps the words as written in tears will also have the same effect as you read it.

I am posting this in the (Off Topic) section of one of the three bus nut bulletin boards I always frequent and also posted just a plain post in another that may again get deleted and I hope will not. I have chosen not to post it in the 3rd. bulletin board as there is no “Off Topic” section and of coarse the policy of that bulletin board is not to get politically or religiously involved in anything not bus related and I respect that rule they enforce.

The message I have personally documented today I no longer can just sit back and hold inside any longer as the (911) anniversary creeps in our lives again and is just a few days and hours away. There is a family anniversary I sometimes forget and certainly should not and feel terrible after I realize I did. This anniversary (911) I just cannot get out of my mind in particular because of the insult against these 3000+ people that died on that day of Terror at The Twin Towers, The Pentagon and Airline Flight #93. I even retired from 34 years of my life on a job the following year on that same day, (911) as it was a day of my personal freedom to do as I wish for the rest of my life and as I wanted. I choose this as my personal way of showing respect for these people sacrificed that horrible day & I choose to retire also on that day in their memory.

Now my blood boils and that is not even close to how I really feel about what may happen at a piece of property just blocks from the sacred reconstruction of (Ground Zero). I cannot and will not accept the building of an Islam Mosque any place near Ground Zero. This is the biggest insult to those family survivors of these beautiful people that died there that day. This day is not just sacred for those that were in the Twin Towers these Islamic cowards killed, but also to those sacrificed at the Pentagon and Flight #93 that was forced to crash by heroes on that plane, that day as they flew over PA. So many lives were lost by volunteer groups, Ems, Police, Fire Fighters and I am sure I left off many, many other volunteer groups that sacrificed lives on that day that died trying to save whom ever they could. Remember, every terrorist that did these 3 horrible acts on (911) were all of Islamic descent, there was not one Irishman, German, Italian, or anyone else involved in the actual crashes that day!! Who can argue where the roots of these horrible acts came from.

My original post a couple of weeks ago about the (“Hell No” Video) I posted received much flack which just sickened me to death and does still today. I can only imagine how I will feel after reading the comments after I post this from those that believe our religious rights, OUR RELIGIOUS RIGHTS, mind you have to be protected and allow the building of this Mosque at all cost and where ever they wish. Jesus, this upsets me, I am sorry to cuss somewhat but I am really asking Jesus, how can this be allowed and tolerated. Those feeling this way should be ashamed and if they do not, I feel ashamed for them for having so little respect for this sacred spot as this was the day our war on Terror began. How can we allow the building of a Mosque Monument as has happened in the past through out different places of the world at
Any place the Islam have won a war or any confrontation stating, look at us now, we have kicked your @$# and within our NEW rights we will pray to Allah and all our virgins to enjoy when we have taken over the world.

When I was younger and still believe faithfully today I believed in the rights to pray in school, have the respect to always place my hand over my heart as the star spangled banner was sung or played and we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. These are rights our fore fathers insisted we be allowed to have when our country was formed. Our court systems always had us hold one hand on the Bible and swear to GOD to tell the truth and the whole truth before testifying, words in court rooms behind the judge always said, (“In God We Trust”). Don’t be surprised if soon you will be swearing on the newest version of the KORAN. Even our monies all had these same words printed on them and it was like a bond for us all to know we trust in a higher power and respect that power no matter what religion we are. It was always a respectful pleasure to me to attend any function, Nascar Race, School Function for my children or grand children, school class room function to see your children or grand children receive awards of achievement, Saying your last good byes to a loved one or friend you highly respect at their grave site and are the lucky ones to finally be going home. The list goes on and on for rights we have all enjoyed and respected up until the non-believer lobbyist got into the lives and wallets of our corrupt government. Corruption and loss of our rights over this Mosque incident start from city planner’s right up to the top of our government. Politicians that supposedly make decisions that the people who vote them in office request and not be influenced by a hand full of high dollar underhanded controllers that truly tell the politicians what to do and not do are long gone like John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and those hero’s we looked up to. Shame on all you political cowards.

Mentions have been made by a few on the bus nut bulletin boards after I posted that “Hell NO” video about their religious rights. I will never, ever, ever forgive them for fighting for the building of this Islamic Mosque anyplace near Ground Zero which I feel in my heart has been allowed politically to be stripped from us that served our country and would choose to die to protect the above rights to prayer in public and in our courts and for our beautiful flag. We have allowed these rights to be stripped from our lives that so many millions of people have died for.

Look at these beautiful young men and women being killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and all those
Freaking countries that have (STAN) at the end of their names. The families of these wonderful kids that are still dying TODAY receive a new, freshly folded flag after a wonderful military funeral for their loved ones. It won’t be long, these flags these children of ours fight for will be replaced by new copies of the (KORAN) in place of the flag! This I believe to happen very soon in my heart and I just cannot sit and not let you know how I feel about this. I will never stick my head into the sand and hold my breath and say nothing concerning (LOSING OUR RELIGIOUS RIGHTS) to those lobbyist that have paid our crooked, thieving politicians to pass new laws protecting these people and their NEW Religious Rights!

This is the religious rights I believe in my heart we have to look forward to and the more we allow it to happen, the more I am happy I am getting older now and will not see the end results that every one that takes our past rights from us and turn us all into political robots that do, say and believe only in what those that are taking over our country allow us to do. I will never bow; kiss the hand or feet of one of these Islamic leaders if my life depended upon it. This has happened by very high levels of our government and I cannot accept this disrespect to those in our country, particularly at Ground Zero!!

I attend many bus rallies, if for any reason you truly believe my feeling for our God, Our Country, Our Flag and the Right to Publically Pray and salute our flag then please do not insult me by shaking my hand as a friend. I will go to my death with the above beliefs and always uphold the respect of those that died giving me these beliefs to fight for and I am trying to do that even right this moment.




My personal heart felt Poem to those lost on that horrible day
Gary LaBombard

This horrible infamous day in all our lives will soon be upon us
A day of tears for those sacrificed, that could nearly drown us.
3000+ victims that horrible, horrible day,
I was eating breakfast as it happened, I had nothing to say.

I thought I was actually watching a Hollywood movie, like King Kong being made,
I was in horror after the announcements; this was a real terrorist raid.
For days we all watched the news, for survivors to be found in concrete or underground,
Time passed quickly making us realize no one was left, there was not even a sound.

Our country was under siege, not knowing who was to blame,
Investigations proved it was Muslim provoked, whose religious beliefs were all the same.

The Twin Towers were attacked and leveled that horrific day,
I get so angry and slur my words with anger, trying to find something controllable to say.
The visions of knowing victims flesh burning, some jumping to their death,
Which is only the tip of the ice berg; we don’t know what happened to the rest.

We believe the world all came together, to pray for our country that first day,
BUT world Islamic citizens celebrated shooting guns, yelling hip, hip hurray.
I am so sick of their beliefs & attitudes: Legal, religious or in every way,
My heart reaches out to the survivors of these (911) victims every single day.

A monument to those that died is possibly to be built, on the sacred Ground Zero Spot,
Muslims want a Mosque close by as winning celebration, on a near by land
We are told the future Mosque will be built blocks away,
Building this Mosque on the moon is too close, to Ground Zero I say.
Every politician allowing this travesty to legally materialize;
Is truly disgusting & minute in size.
I hope this to be your last term in office forever, as you are mistrusting.
There has to be secret greed you receive which is truly disgusting.
Go ahead you butt wipes, leave our country and live like your Islam,
I am sure you never read the bible or quoted any psalm.

I served for our country; I sure would do it again.
I would sacrificed my life for country, flag, our rights and family and man,
If my sacrificing my life would prevent this mosque to be built,
I would do it in respect; to those at Ground Zero, which would always be felt.

Don’t let Islam and Koran belief’s cover your eyes,
Pray for God to help us fight supports of these blood thirsty guys.
No matter the political level of support for the Mosque to be built,
Remember them on November 7th; vote them out to the hilt.

It won’t be long now that all prayer will be banned,
I can’t live with this thought as I lived my life, loyal to our land.
In GOD WE TRUST will no longer be used,
On monies, prayers or court rooms, on this I will not be defused.

Soon our flag will be the center of attention; we will no longer be allowed to salute,
I’ll never give in and give up, I’ll never die mute.
Go ahead Washington Politicians of all levels, give away our rights,
Let the lobbyist make you rich but I wish God grant you sleepless nights.

Our great Grand Children will never know the meaning of God, rights & beliefs;
You are allowing them all to be taken away legally from pressure of greedy political thieves.
I will not give up my fight for those deserving the upmost respect,
Building a Mosque any place near Ground Zero is wrong even if politically and legally correct.

The founders of our country must be turning over in their graves,
Watching the Islam countries celebrate killing over 3000, over all our raves.
The rights of pray and belief’s and respect all taken away,
While worthless politicians brag of their accomplishments with their comrades today.
I know I put myself on a chopping block for those not agreeing with my thoughts,
I can bet most of them never fought for this country, as those that have cry when it rains and in heavy bouts.

Here are my last thoughts about building this Islamic Mosque, on any land
Near Ground Zero,
There is not one politician left in our life time, I would refer to as a hero.
Looking up to someone to stop, the Mosque building from taken place,
Is never going to happen in my eyes; not from any politician or not any race.

I will always stand with the majority, out of respect and say,

Out of Respect to those 3000+ that died at Ground Zero, the Pentagon and Flight #93, We love you and will do all we can for all your souls to rest.

Gary LaBombard
Chris Christensen (Chris4905)
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Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010 - 11:51 pm:   


Oh my gosh, I read your post with tear in my eyes. I have no idea if my response will even post.

You said, and say, all so much better than I can, the exact same thoughts and feelings I have.

I wonder what is in store for my children and my grandchildren. I pray the insanity stops and we somehow return our country to it's founding beliefs. Our founding fathers must be beside themselves. The many, many brave men and women who have given, and will give, their lives for this country must be beside themselves.

I also servced this wonderful country in the armed forces and like you Gary, I would choose to do it all over again. A privledge and honor I didn't fully appreciate at my young age when it was happening.

I am also VERY frustrated, fearful, and can't understand why our leaders are allowing this to occur. But then, the leaders are a large portion of the problem.

I'm sure I will also take some flack due to agreeing with you on your stance. But like you, I don't mind the flack. Those who give the flack are part of the problem.

We have become a nation of believing people's "Rights" are more important than the overall effect something will have on the country.

I have been on this, and the other, bus boards for many years and seen many of your posts Gary. I had no idea we were so much the same in frustration and believe. I salute and respect you for your stance and wished I had the ability to put things into words as you do.

I would gladly stand beside you till the end in an attempt to hold onto the beliefs this country was established. I am so ashamed of our generation.

I to will take flack, as you will Gary, but the same as you, I dont' care.

God bless our country and those who still understand and respect the principles it was founded on.

The rest of them deserve what they may get.

Chris Christensen
Dave Walker (Chrome_dome)
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Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010 - 1:11 pm:   

I don't like it any better than you guys, But that is why we fought for our rights to give everyone equal rights in this country Politically and Religiously and Yes even those that come to our country LEGALLY from foreign lands.

This whole thing I personally think is only a political stunt to do just what it is doing to you and others to PSS you off and not pay attention to the bills they are slipping in. It takes us away from the real thins they again our doing behind your back that they don't want you to see.

Weather it is built or not it is a local matter to be decided by the City of New York and the local building authority. If they actually go ahead with the permit app (Which I doubt will ever happen)God help them this may be when "We The People " Stand up finally and say that's enough eh?

Douglas Tappan (Dougthebonifiedbusnut)
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Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 12:27 am:   

I feel as Gary does and being a Teamster for 7 yesrs the school of thought is that no self respecting union member will ever work on the building.I know I will not!.Remember in November and get rid of all the spinless Weasels like the Gov. of NY!
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010 - 3:30 pm:   

What is Timothy McVeigh's religion and where is the closest church of his faith group in Oklahoma City?

Come on Gary, we're all still reeling from a bombastic act of terrorism that was felt around the world. But it has no more foundation in religion than McVeigh's religious beliefs. Up until 911, his was the single deadliest act of terrorism in the U.S. And he was a U.S. national white guy.

The current death toll in the counter attack on Iraq is about 1.4 million, including 4,400 American soldiers. Enough is enough. I think we're pretty close to tit-for-tat, aren't we, or is no one keeping score?

Give it a break Gary. Very touching, your words and poem, but what happened to the constitutional 1st Amendment that says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"?

Is every Muslim in the world a terrorist? I know there are many Americans who think so, but if you'd take just a minute to explore Islam, you'll see that the tenets of their religion are similar to Christianity. Matter of fact, 13 major world religions share the "Golden Rule".

"Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for others, sharing other people's suffering. On these lines every religion had more or less the same viewpoint and the same goal". Dalai Lama.

And dropping back into Christianity for just a sec, what happened to "judge not lest ye not be judged"? That presents quite the conundrum, doesn't it?

We're all still grieving for 911, Gary, including me. I have not been able to bring myself to visit Ground Zero since 911, where I lost 351 of my brother and sister firefighters plus 2 fire department paramedics (as is our very own Jack Conrad, folks), because I still break down thinking about it - it's just way too sad.

Kenneth Munford (Sapponyeagle)
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Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010 - 12:54 pm:   

We the people are not the Congress Ian
Kenneth Munford (Sapponyeagle)
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Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010 - 1:00 pm:   

We the people are not Congress.the 1st Amendment was to protect we the people from Congress
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Post Number: 1382
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Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010 - 2:46 pm:   

Hahaha... yup! Ya got that right, Kenny!!

Hey, LTNC. How's it going???


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