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two dogs (

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Posted on Friday, June 13, 2003 - 6:22 pm:   

I'd like to know the best & easyiest way to mount the t.v. I see most everybody puts them behind & above the driver.don't want to go quietly ,like grampa
Jim Stacy (

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Posted on Friday, June 13, 2003 - 10:09 pm:   

TV is easier to watch if it is at eye level or lower. This is especially true for the bifocal age group. My 4104 just didn't seem to have a good place for a TV (low ceiling, 35 foot coach). I bought a 17" LCD screen (4" thick) and mounted it hanging from the floor of the overhead cupboard behind the driver. I modified hardware (turned it upside down) designed for an ofset, elevated seat in a bass boat. TV now folds over against the wall for travel and swings out for viewing. Adjustable for height and angle and very robust mount. FWIW.

Jim Stacy
R.C.Bishop (

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Posted on Friday, June 13, 2003 - 10:49 pm:   

Jim...do you by chance have any pics of your TV as mounted, etc? Please address to my email if so.
(just click on my name above)

Many thanx. Sounds like something we could use.
jmaxwell (

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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 12:58 am:   

I needed to cover the front wheel well behind the driver in my Grumman so I built an entertainment center over it with the tv on a swing-out pedestal which is 22" off the floor and in. swings in with the back of the tv against the outside wall for travel, rotates 90 degrees toward the back for viewing. Above it is VCR, Satellite Rcvr, CD changer, CD and Video storage. I agree, TV's mounted above the driver's seat in a ceiling cabinet are a pain in the neck.
DrivingMissLazy (

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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 6:39 am:   

Hal St Clair has a neat arrangement in his 05 Eagle (if you can still call it an Eagle after his conversion, LOL) It is built into a table and with the push of a button rises out of the table to veiwing height. When retracted, it is invisible in the table top.
In my opinion, a TV mounted above the driver is stupid and "a pain in the neck".
Don KS/TX (

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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 7:48 am:   

Above all, listen to and heed the complaints of the "above the driver" mount. (Especially people like Jim Stacy who really lives in his coach) It appears to be such a "natural" spot, but is in fact very difficult to watch. I put mine there, and always regretted it. The flat screen stuff was a bit high priced back then, but I would strongly advise biting the bullet and doing it. Just make sure you have it low so you do not get neck cramps watching it.
Craig S (

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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 8:56 am:   

Anybody wanting an "in the table" mount mechanism, I have one I'm not going to use. Let me know and I'll post or send pictures. It even has a remote.
Craig S
DaveD (

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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 9:14 am:   

I'd be interested.

Dave Dulmage
casmith (

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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 10:53 am:   

Hi Dave,
We're going up the east coast the 26th of june. Is it only bus nuts that plan a stop at their favorite repair shop in the trip itinerary. We'll be stopping at Luke's the 1st and 2nd. Let me know if I can deliver it. I took some pictures but there's so much other junk around it they don't do it justice.
Geoff (Geoff) (

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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 1:37 pm:   

I found the best place for the TV is in the middle of the ceiling behind the former destination sign. In this location anyone sitting in the living room can see it, and when you recline the height is not an issue. The only improvement I want is a bigger screen-- all I have room for up there is a 13" TV-- If I get rich I'll buy a 17" plasma TV-- that would fit very nicely!
Don KS/TX (

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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 - 3:31 pm:   

And I thought my 25 inch was too small! I suppose being young and healthy helps the young kids like Geoff, but I would advise hanging one up there and watching a few hours to make sure you are suited to watching at that angle. One of those big plasma jobs, that would fold down into the front windshield area sounds ideal to me.
Marc Bourget (

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Posted on Thursday, June 19, 2003 - 9:06 am:   

Just a thought that popped up, anybody ever try a projector style TV with a roll down screen?

I've never investigated focal distance, etc. and yes, the projector would lower ceiling height.

This might give even a larger screen that could be placed low, FWIW. I'll continue the "thunk" about it as Dave Galey says . . .

Onward and Upward

Marc Bourget
mrjimmystewart (

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Posted on Thursday, June 19, 2003 - 10:54 am:   

The new LCD and DLP projectors aer small enough to store in a small cupboard, easy enough to set up to just pull out and use. And then if you were wanting to watch at night, in a place that had very little exterior light, you could set it up outside and get an 8 ft screen on the side of the bus for a real movie like experience.

They have been making huge advances in quality in the last several years. While you can spend $12k to $15k for a really good one, they make competent ones in the $3k to $5k range. If you follow the market and know the models, used ones sell for a fraction of new, largely because most people don't know about them. but there aer just not that many used ones out there, and the price quality curve keeps improving so fast, its almost better to just buy a new one. fun stuff
Scott Whitney (

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Posted on Thursday, June 19, 2003 - 10:57 am:   

I have thought a lot about PC projectors that also have with RCA & S-video inputs. Could use for PC work, gaming or TV/DVD etc. But they are still fairly expensive. Used to be you had to use a darkened room like a theater. But they are getting brighter and can now be used in a lit room. But a bus with all the window blinds open on a sunny day might be a bit much for the projector to overcome.

Rollable displays will be the way of the future, however, no doubt about that. They might be Organic LED printed on a thin sheet of plastic . . .But the days of big boxy CRT displays are going the way of eight tracks and record players. I suspect that even LCD and plasma displays are just an interim technology until we perfect organic LEDS and projection technologies.

The question is how long to wait until the technology matures until you buy something. . .

Jim Stacy (

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Posted on Thursday, June 19, 2003 - 11:03 pm:   

If anyone is looking for a cheap LCD tv be carefull not to use a unit designed as a computer monitor. These have very limited viewing angles and brightness. OK as a monitor but poor if more than one person is watching. The new LCD TVs have inputs for a computer (we use ours to show digital pictures to a group) and also have component, composite, type F coax and S video conections. They can be driven by about anything.

Quality is going up and prices are coming down, so wait 'till you are ready for it before you buy. We bought a 17" last fall for about $1400. They are about a grand today and probably better quality.

Jim Stacy

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