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two dogs (

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Posted on Monday, June 23, 2003 - 11:06 pm:   

I'm probably going to get raked over the coals on this question,,on my Eagle there is a little driveshaft that runs the bus air,,,has anybody ever unhooked that driveshaft and hooked up a 10 horse 220 motor to it
Don KS/TX (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 - 5:28 am:   

Hey, neat idea! I suppose the thinking is that when the ole clunker DD dies, you just start your genset and drive on home on electric power? Could also be used as a "passing gear" or on hills too I guess.
two dogs (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 - 6:43 am:   

not to the engine,to the bus air.
Jim Ashworth (Jimnh) (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 - 8:51 am:   

I think you'll need a 3 phase genset to run that motor. And the 2 horsepower condenser fan and 1-1/2 hp evaporator fan run on 24 volts. 3 roof airs seeem more reasonable.

two dogs (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 - 9:55 am:   

I'm talking about 220 ground power,from the elec. eagle doesn't have 24 volt does it..I thought M.C.I's were 24 volt..unless I'm seeing something wrong, the fan runs off a belt& the blower motor runs on 12 volt on a EAGLE
DrivingMissLazy (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 - 10:35 am:   

I believe the biggest 220 volt, single phase, AC motor you can buy is about 5 HP, and it requires a 90 amp input breaker. Don't think you will find this at any campground, besides 5 HP is not enough.
two dogs (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 - 12:15 pm:   

what size motor is turning your home a/c

I won't say anymore,if it works I get to say "I told ya' so "
Phil (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 - 12:33 pm:   

I believe the cooling capacity of a passenger car is generaly greater than the typical house central air conditioner. A house has much less solar heating affecting it than a vehicle and therefore needs much less cooling capacity.
DrivingMissLazy (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 - 7:41 am:   

I think you will find that the btu capacity of the bus AC system is in the 80-90,000 BTU range, while the average rooftop AC is in the 13-15,000 BTU range. I think it would take about a 25hp AC motor to drive the bus AC compressor.

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