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Luke Bonagura (Lukeatuscoach) (

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Posted on Monday, June 30, 2003 - 9:01 pm:   

To Ian, your family, friends, asociates and fellow Canadians we at US COACH send our best wishes for a HAPPY CANADA DAY, tomorrow, July 1st!!!

We share the longest unprotected (by military) border in the world which I think says much for the Canadian and American People, especially in these troubled times!!!!!

We have differences in political philosophy at times, but we co-exist and work & play together with tolerence!!! Others in the world would do well to look at how this Peaceful co-existence has existed for many years and Hopefully!!! Forever!!

Best Wishes to ALL!!!!!!!

Doug Dickinson (Dougd470) (

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Posted on Monday, June 30, 2003 - 10:36 pm:   


And ... many thanks, Ian.

St Louis MC9
Bill Gerrie (

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Posted on Tuesday, July 01, 2003 - 6:44 am:   

Thanks Luke,Doug and all of you great Americans. I really cherrish the relationship Canada and the United States has. We travel the USA a lot and have always felt welcome any place we go. You are a great bunch of people.
As we celabrate our July 1st all of Canada wishes the US a great Independence Day on July 4th.
Ian Giffin (Admin) (

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Posted on Tuesday, July 01, 2003 - 10:40 pm:   

Luke, Doug,

Thank you both, and all our friends on both sides of the border for your good wishes on this, the 136th birthday of our beautiful country!

And I guess you folks south of the 49th parallel are about to celebrate this weekend, as well. Happy 227th birthday!!

I consider myself to be very fortunate to be associated with this hobby and to find friends all over the world, including the good old USA.

Have a great weekend, folks!


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Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 2:42 pm:   

Canada's Tax Freedom Day Has Finally Arrived, by Mike Godfrey, Tax-News.com, Washington 01 July 2003

According to calculations from economic and social policy think tank the Fraser Institute, Canadians finally got to celebrate Tax Freedom Day on June 28 this year.

If a year was condensed down into a single working day, this would mean that the average Canadian works until 12.54 pm everyday, based on a 9 to 5 working day, just to pay the various levels of government.

Still, this year's figure is an improvement on the year 2000, when Tax Freedom Day did not arrive until July 2, the latest in the year it has ever fallen since calculations begin in 1961, according to the Fraser Institute. However, although TFD has been steadily creeping backwards since 2000, the Fraser Institute's director of fiscal studies, Jason Clemens, says that the figure is still somewhat alarming.

“The fact that Tax Freedom Day falls only four days earlier than its latest date ever should be a cause for concern. All the talk of tax relief has not resulted in meaningful reductions in the tax burden for most Canadian families,” Clemens told the Toronto Sun.

The average Canadian family paid an extra $1,263 in taxes between 2002 and 2003, according to the Institute, despite talk of tax cuts by the federal and provincial governments in recent years. According to reports, the largest proportion of the increase went towards social security, medical and hospital funding.

“Recent strong economic growth should have paved the way for reductions in both personal and business taxes to ensure lasting competitiveness. Unfortunately, the majority of tax gains were dedicated to increases in government spending,” the Fraser Institute's fiscal studies director pointed out.

Nevertheless, Clemens believes that Tax Freedom Day will continue to follow a downward trend in the years to come, as tax reforms begin to work their way into the system. “The federal and many provincial governments have cut personal and business tax rates in recent years, tax brackets and exemptions have been, or will soon be, indexed to inflation in most Canadian jurisdictions and the massive increases in Canada and Quebec Pension Plan contributions begun in 1997 will be completely phased in this year,” he noted.

The Canadian provinces also have their Tax Freedom Day calculated by the Fraser Institute, and the results have shown that in all of the provinces but Alberta and Saskatchewan, the date is falling later. The earliest Tax Freedom Days have traditionally been in the Atlantic provinces, and Newfoundland and Labrador celebrated theirs on June 8 this year. Meanwhile, Quebec and British Columbia taxpayers must wait until July 2 before being allowed to spend their own money.

These latest calculations highlight the vast gulf between the United States and Canada in terms of their respective tax burdens. Tax Freedom Day in America fell this year on April 19 and with President Bush's latest program of tax cuts already working its way into the US economy, this gap is likely to grow wider in the coming years.

Perhaps if Tax Freedom Day were celebrated as Canada Day it would be less painfull to come on down & visit US.

Bill Gerrie (

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Posted on Thursday, July 03, 2003 - 12:06 am:   

Thanks for reminding us how we are getting ripped off. It hurts on pay day to see 35% to 50% of your hard earned money taken by the tax man. Maybe we could become the 52nd state. Even though it hurts us in the pocket book we still enjoy coming down to visit the USA.

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Posted on Thursday, July 03, 2003 - 6:03 am:   

My cure for the USA would be to have the day we vote changed to April 15 , the day the tax most visable extortion needs paying.

Might work up north too.

You would be welcome as another set of states , but leave Quebec to the locals .
We have enough professoional haters and victums already in the US.

Delightfully, a couple of summers ago the USCG arrested some Queb's for not having a US courtesy flag flying and only having the QB flag on their stern , not the Canada National Flag.

Charge ?,
they spent the nite in the CG lockup, and got their boat back after some heavy fines.

Couldnt happen to a more desirving group,

Your dollar IS getting a bit stronger ,
Come on Down!!

I always have a parking spot in FL to watch the 'gators for the Canadian visitors.

But remember we go by Ben Franklins motto,

"Fish & Friends smell after 3 days!

Bill Gerrie (

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Posted on Thursday, July 03, 2003 - 9:01 am:   

Quebec is a sore spot here as well. For the most part it is the politions that cause the uproar over separation not the people. We live next door to Quebec in Ontario. Three of my neighbors are French and you couldn't ask for better neighbors. In have heard the French tried to take over Florida at one point but got ousted pretty quik.
We also have room to park anyone who wants to travel in the far north. We might even let you stay more than 3 days. Bill
Stephen Fessenden (Sffess) (

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Posted on Saturday, July 05, 2003 - 3:10 pm:   


I always thought it was a bit presumptious of us to try to tell another country how to run its affairs.

Canada is a great country and may not need our suggestions.

Anyway, I believe Canada Day and Independence Day are for celebrating, not fault finding.

Changing the voting day is not a bad idea.

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Posted on Sunday, July 06, 2003 - 5:31 am:   

"I always thought it was a bit presumptious of us to try to tell another country how to run its affairs. "

ME TOO , since basically I don't give a hoot .

(If they collapse and ALL want to head south , at least we could understand there imported radio stations.)

And if they collapsed at least there bright enough to not want to create ANOTHER falure here in the "image" of home.

Unlike many illegals.

Posting a Canadian article is NOT telling them how to run their country.

Only the mob rule practice ,
of Vote Early Vote Often ,

(AS in Duval County FL) will give them a change.

The direction , the choice , Freedom or Slavery is there's to chose.


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