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Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 7:09 am:   

So where the hell is my bus?

Remember that roadblock I told you about? The Police? It’s worse than I thought.

Of all the police agencies I have dealt with in the pursuit of my stolen bus --my local Phoenix Police, the FBI, US Customs, the Medford Police and the Klamath Falls Police--, only the FBI returned my call to inform me they were not interested. The Phoenix Police, especially, have failed to report back to me directly about anything and have shown very little interest in the info I have acquired on my own. However, I did get an indirect response from the Klamath Falls Police via an informal report of their officer’s findings faxed to the Phoenix Police. For some reason, the Phoenix PD would not reveal those findings to me over the phone. I don’t know, perhaps my question was too complicated. “Did the Klamath Falls Police find my bus? Yes? No? Can you give me a hint?” Sorry, but they could not.

It’s beyond me how the Police think. Apparently, that information is only available via fax! So they faxed it to me. And no, they did not find my bus in Oregon. I know this because I saw the FAX!

To the Klamath Falls officer’s credit, he is the only one who has put any legwork into this investigation. He personally interviewed Tom Bradley, inspected his buses, and followed up leads on another Phoenix bus in the Medford/Klamath Falls area. It turns out that all of the Oregon buses had seats --a telling difference, since mine had been removed--, and none of the numbers from my RTS appeared on the Oregon buses. To his further credit, several days later he left a voice message on my cell phone indicating he’d be happy to answer any questions I might have about his investigation. However, when I called him back, he’d gone on vacation.

If what the officer said is correct (why wouldn’t it be?), there seems to be only one credible conclusion: The information given to me by Randall Rubin was, once again, COMPLETELY BOGUS!

I paid another personal visit to my friendly police headquarters with the intention of speaking eyeball to eyeball with whoever was my assigned detective, a tactic similar to asking Harrison Ford to join you for snacks. Consider this caseworker track record: The first detective assigned to my case later transferred out of the Stolen Vehicles Unit. At least he determined, officially, that Randy Ford and Randall Rubin were the same person. He was replaced by a woman detective with whom I had two conversations. In the second conversation she revealed that she was retiring next Friday after 20 years of service. Oh, wonderful!

OK, fine, we’ll start again from scratch.

I know this much, though: You cannot demand that the Police do anything for you. But you can leave them a message on their voice mail. BE ADVISED: Don’t expect a reply. Ever.

To be continued…

Casual Observer (

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Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 7:38 am:   

Isn't there a television investigative news reporter in Phoenix? They usually love puzzles like this one. Especially when solving them puts egg on the face of the public officials. A good investigative reporter would have your bus located in a matter of days, even if it's in Mexico.

A private detective would, too.

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Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 10:41 am:   

I thought you found this friggin thing next to another bus? You still beating dead wood? Well, whatever it is you are trying to accomplish by posting here, good luck.
Henry R. Bergman, Jr. (Henryofcj) (

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Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 4:18 pm:   

Hey, keep us informed as to what eventually does or does not happen. You really need to consider publishing this incredible story--it is GREAT!!! Keep it coming! :) :) Henry of CJ
pete (

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Posted on Friday, July 11, 2003 - 6:32 am:   

it isnt a great stroy bro.,.i cant imagine loosing my rig..id have to kill someone.

RT, try telling someones jurisdiction that you got a tip that the bus was being used to transport 500 lds of coke and a few illeagles.. that might get them off their donut eatin tushies
Henry R. Bergman, Jr. (Henryofcj) (

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Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 2:12 pm:   

Actually Pete, the story IS pretty good. What HAPPENED to R Terry is NOT. We need to be able to separate the two in our minds.

We all have favorite stories about bad stuff which has happened to us. R Terry's certainly takes the cake! Thanks for sharing! :) :)
Just-trying-to-help (

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Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 10:38 pm:   

Hmmm what Randy is this selling an RTS on Ebay

Item number: 2423425391
Please call Randy or Jim at 602-283-0145

Ratings "0" & " Private Auction" so nobody can warn these poor suckers - Buyers beware

Location OHIO (RUST BUCKET RTS's) ??
brandon s owen (Brando) (

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Posted on Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 12:00 am:   

how much would a private dick cost? i wonder if we all could pitch in a few bucks and find this thing. that way if it is ever published into a book we could be part of the hero at the end.
i do still think that the public news media would eat this up. Just a few ideas
Ross Carlisle (Ross) (

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Posted on Monday, July 14, 2003 - 10:01 am:   

"Location OHIO (RUST BUCKET RTS's) ?? "

Sounds like one of those deals where you pay for the bus via mail, then when you go to pick it up, there is no bus. Meanwhile, the seller is in AZ spending your money.

clue (

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Posted on Monday, July 14, 2003 - 1:15 pm:   

westportauto's License Information
State of Licensing: Arizona
License Number: U3848
Name on License: westport auto inc
Address on License: 10021 n cave creek rd - phoenix, AZ 85020
David & Lorna Schinske (Davidschinske) (

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Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 7:49 am:   

Does make you a bit leary of buying a bus (or anything else) via ebay. I've often thought that ebay would be a good way to sell stolen property. (I've got to quit reading so many crime & muder stories, I'm getting suspicious of every one! :D)


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