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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 7:13 am:   

When you finally get down to business, you have to do first things first.

It was obvious that if the engine didn't run, there'd be no point fixing the tires, so basically, we'd be done; call a tow truck and a salvage yard and go home. Priority-wise, it shaped up like this: install the batteries and get the electrical working; start the motor and keep it running; repair two flat tires; and then, see if it could be driven.

So we got down to business by doing the very first thing first: we made sandwiches! Right there on the tailgate of the pickup, Ryan and I engaged ourselves in another episode of Quality Time making delicious roast beef sandwiches and fighting off human-devouring mosquitoes. It wasn't quite the same, but this was as close to "cleaning fish" together as it was going to get. (Remember, dad's are supposed to take their kids fishing, right?)

It occurred to me that we had paid more for the ice in the cooler than the value of the food we were keeping cool. Could that be a sign? Isn't this trip costing more than the bus is worth? Hmmm...Let's not think about that, we have work to do.

After our truly fantastic (well, why not?) picnic breakfast, Ryan went up and down the alley in search of an authentic 1948-style fuel gauge. He came back with a length of white plastic tubing that we inserted into the fuel tank. Oh, boy! There must have been nearly two hundred dollars-worth of fuel in there! Ka-ching! That's like money in the bank!

I removed the top from the primary fuel filter and poured in fresh diesel fuel. I couldn't find a port in which to squirt starting fluid such as there is on the 6-71 and the 8V-71, so I loosened the rubber boot between the blower and the air cleaner and gave it a shot. We divided the starting sequence up into two tasks: Ryan would operate the controls up front and actually start the bus; and I would stay in the back and operate the fire extinguisher when the bus blew up.

A few cranks and it came back to life! But again it conked out. I poured more fuel into the filter housing and blasted it with another dose of starting fluid. This time it ran until I began yelling, "SHUT IT OFF!! SHUT IT OFF!!

Why there was an extraneous nut screwed into the lid of the fuel filter, I don't know, but it was not tight. Diesel fuel was running out all over the engine. It made a big mess but proved to be good news: At least I knew the fuel pump worked and fuel was getting to the engine. (It's a cold, dark night... the bus is dead in the middle of the freeway... you feel helpless and alone... Suddenly, you wake up in a sweat screaming at the top of your lungs, "I'VE LOST MY PRIME AND THERE'S NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!")

On the third try, that little 4-71 instantly returned to life and kept running. Zoom, zoom, zoom! (Thank you, Mazda.) It kept going and going...ah, never mind.

For such a beautiful day in Tennessee, it was a shame to gunk up the air with so much hideous bus exhaust. I was so thrilled at our success, I didn't want to turn the sucker off. Va-room-m-m-m! It ran great! It even drew a crowd, like when the circus comes to town.

Everyone likes to see a big white elephant do tricks!

Peter Broadribb (Madbrit) (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 7:21 am:   


You have me hooked on this story...... LOL.

Keep it coming, can't wait for the next episode.

drivingmisslazy (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 7:26 am:   

Wish I had those writing skills. I would be a best selling author by now.
lost in the woods (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 9:02 am:   

This is no doubt by far the best one Ive read in a long time. Give up your day job.

Terry Mac
charlesseaton (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 12:37 pm:   

Buying a bus on the road can be both fun and frustrating. You are coming through loud and clear on both of these fronts. There's no doubt you have a great sense of humor and fine skills as a story teller. Like my fellow board readers, I am eagerly awaiting the next installment. Keep havin' a ball and keep sharin' the road stories with those of us who are stuck behind a desk.
Craig Craddock (Craig4104) (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:44 pm:   

I also look forward to the next eposide of your adventures. I hope you are having as much fun with your adventures in the unknown as it sounds.
Maybe we could hire you as the official bus transporter for all of us. Second thought at least have you ride along to record everyone elses great adventure in sheer terror with their first bus experience. I agree with the others, I think you should submit some of your stuff for publication. Bus Conv., Arizona Highways, Readers Digest and etc. Of course for money, just think it might give you enough extra money you could buy a new bus monthly to keep the stories going. Ha Ha
Good luck, I have been in your shoes a few times. It is both a great adventure and gut wrenching at the same time.
Awaiting #6
I find myself waiting for the next eposide, like the serials at the movies on Sat. morning when I was a kid. Before TV
two dogs (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 7:04 pm:   

stop by Amarillo and get a free sailboat
Adam P (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 11:00 pm:   

R TERRY... (Randy???)
Howdy!!! Adam P here saying I agree with everyone else... As some may know, I check this board about once a day looking to pick up that extra piece of info.... Now, I stop to check for your latest installment!!!!
I don't think anyone as asked this yet,,, but,,, Could you post some pics???? I know your son Ryan is out there with the camera!!!! Regardless of what format he shoots with, one trip to the one our photo center, and digi pics on the net!!!
Anyway, awaiting your next episode,
Adam P
PS Get some Deep Woods Off with DEET. You're in Tennessee.... Big west nile 'skeeters....

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