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drivingmisslazy (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 7:21 am:   

As a somewhat computer illiterate, I have been trying to quickly eliminate the hundreds of emails I have been receiving and I assume you have been reciving also.

My grandson showed me an easier way to do this by using the key board short cuts rather than using the drop down menus and the mouse.

Control+A will highlight all emails. Control+Q will mark all as read, then Control+D will delete all messages.

Thought this might be some help for some of you who might be as computer illiterate as I am.

Peter E (Sdibaja) (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 6:11 pm:   

Helpful hints!
Control+A is universal windows command.
Control+Q closes the Netscape program.
Control+D does nothing in Netscape.
What program do you use for email?
Peter E
Matt (

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Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2003 - 1:23 am:   

Another idea is to turn off your "cookies." When you visit some web-sites, they track your movements via a method called cookies. It is typically transparent to the user, unless you have a firewall that notifies when your cookies are being exchanged...o.k., that may be computer mombo-jumbo to some, but its the best I can do without getting into a lecture. To turn off your cookies, it depends on your operating system (MS 98, XP, 2000, etc.). Without getting into all the options, to better understand how they work, go to the HELP pulldown menu on your browser and in the search feature, type in COOKIES...it should give you a couple options that will help describe what they are, and how to turn them off. Be advised, some web sites will not let you surf there without having COOKIES turned on...a price of doing business. Another way to help thwart the spam you get is to ensure you always check the little boxes that ask if it is O.K. to send you "blah, blah blah"...always check the box so you are saying no (most defalt to YES). Also, another way to help clean your primary email inbox is to set up a HOTMAIL or other similar free web account which you can use when you get to a site that asks for your email to proceed...for example, if you are buying something and they are going to send you a tracking number, you want to use your primary account...but there are a couple of sites that ask before you purchase...typically they will pass your email off to third parties...so when you are just surfing, use the "free mail" account when they demand one to proceed...then every couple of days go to the free mail and delete "all."

Works for me and keeps my spam down to a few per day...again, email me direct if you have other questions...but please, no spam. >:-)
Phil Dumpster (

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Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 7:27 am:   

I wouldn't worry about cookies. Spybot and AdAware will clean out nasty cookies, so just run them as the last thing you do when you finish for the day.

Some intereactive sites like Yahoo! mail have problems if you don't have cookies enabled.

Along with Spybot and AdAware, a BHO (browser helper object) scanner is an essential item to have when using Internet explorer.

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