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Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
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Username: Dallas

Post Number: 451
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Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - 1:47 pm:   

Come One Come All!
Welcome Children of all ages!
The East Central Texas Get Together is only two weeks away!
March 30 - April 4.....

Shake the cobwebs out, lose the Winter blues and come join us. There are lies to be told, ideas to steal, food to cook and beverages to be consumed.

The wife is even making me clean out my wood shop so We'll have room for people to eat if it's too cold or wet.

Get out of the house, fire up the Bus, Motorhome, motorcycle, Trike... even your pickup and camper, or lacking that, we'll have a spot for you to pitch a tent!

Here's the original information for those of you having a hard time deciding on whether to attend or not:

Come One... Come All, join us for our second annual spring fling here in Beautiful, warm, exciting Franklin, Tx.
Nothing special is planned, unless you want to plan it, mostly we just sit around and tell lies about buses, fuel mileage, power, tools, &c.
Last year we all had a great time, but this year let's see if we can get more people here and really raise the population of the town!

We need cooks, BBQ'ers, musicians, mechanics, wood workers, fabricators, welders, IT guys, painters, or any other trade.

If you don't have a bus, no problem, you can bring a camper, S&S or just sleep in your car!

Come and get some good ideas, and some not so good ideas!

Remember... the first liar hasn't ever got a chance!

We are located here:

Our campground website is

We hope to see you all!
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - 3:03 pm:   

No mention of the
The Comedy Twins & their Sledge Hammer catching act
the big finale...the April Fools Day Joke on the assembled masses...?

.....and if Nellie hasn't returned her RSVP
I might just send Fooey to do a Solo act ...
Juggling 2 Wiener Dogs while reciting from Da BOOK.
Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
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Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 1:23 am:   

Hey, Dal and Jack-

I wanna come, I really wanna, 'cause it sounds like so much fun! Florida is oke but kinda like an extention of Cuba and Quebec. Like a buddy of mine (Steve) said, "Can't wait to get back to the the US of A."

Tejas is definitely in my sights but maybe(?) not in time for Dal's doo. Then again, who knows? Sure don't need a Fooey Solo...:-)

Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Username: Jack_fids

Post Number: 627
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Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 3:32 am:   

(gulp...sooo much potential, & I can't get within 100 ft. of it)

Fooey is crashed out, not 10 feet away,
sawing logs with the proper sound effects...
those of a Cuban owned American Chainsaw running on Kaiser/Buick/Trabant/Volga/West Bend & Schwinn parts on Diesel
with a few gear teeth missing....
Headphones-Zepplin & an Amp with a Vol knob that goes to 11 make it all interesting AND tolerable..!
When he wakes up
this is going to crush his widdle hawrt
and wooen his whole day.....tsk tsk

So your easin' out of the Big Show eh...?
The fan club won't be happy when THAT hits the fan..!
Mebe your courtin a new fan base down in the flats of FLA eh?

Didja ever check your spam box or your filters?

Nice of you to stop by...
somebody mentioned you a week ago
or like that
I think....
maybe they were talking about that new Nellie

George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Posted on Friday, March 18, 2011 - 3:46 am:   

Nellie do try to make I don't want to have to solo, besides something tells me you might enjoy the main course roast, I know I will
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Username: Jack_fids

Post Number: 632
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Posted on Friday, March 18, 2011 - 12:21 pm:   

Who is serving Oats on a stick...?
Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
Registered Member
Username: Dallas

Post Number: 454
Registered: 7-2004
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Posted on Friday, March 18, 2011 - 1:51 pm:   


I have found a place that is going to ship some wonderful, tasty, delicious, Penguin Sausage to us just because I whined and sniveled until they said yes!


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