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David Evans (Dmd)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - 10:02 am:   

I knew something would happen with the multiple coach wrecks here in NY area. Sen. Chuck (i need my picture in the news daily) Schumer is proposing a "scorecard" A thru F rating for charter bus companies. I only heard a bit on the radio yesterday but i am sure it will be in the papers and tv today i will let you know. This is the guy who hired and gave Anthony Wiener his start. They supposedly mean well but you know how that works. (It doesent work)
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - 4:30 pm:   

I was tolf today that here in Florida they are going to DOT check ALL Private coaches to truck specs and then make us pay the same for the license they do. This is not fair at all. It might be that we can scrap out the coach and not have all the added expense they want us to pay. Will keep you informed on more info. If you know about this please post also.

larry currier (Larryc)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - 5:09 pm:   

Schumer is a moron who doesn't know that his DOT are a bunch of slackers.

DOT has all the teeth they could possibly need, anything more is a pipe dream. Getting DOT to do their job is pretty easy too, they ride trucking to death.

Gonna be a lot of buses and drivers "OUT OF SERVICE" until things are all perfect, DOT won't screw around now that they have been caught looking the other way.

Anyone who is running "private" also must meet 100% of the safety criteria that commercial does or they are going to be and should be tied up at a scale or roadside until their equipment is repaired and legal.

Sooner enforcement gets on this the better, many of the "private" operations going down the road are nothing more than an accident waiting to happen.

Many of the "Private" coaches I have inspected, I would never follow on the highway, who knows what is going to blow up or fly off.

I will stand for a DOT inspection on my bus any day that it is on the road and the damn thing will pass every time because it gets regular maintence and inspections by DOT qualified people. (Me).

My bus hauls my friends and family, least I can do is keep it up to all applicable safety standards.

Safety is cheap, fatalities are expensive. As a group, we must be ready to show DOT that our buses are regularily maintained and up to snuff, so if you are running junk it's time to scrap it out before you need a DOT wrecker to move it home.
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - 9:16 pm:   

Larry, I agree 100% the private coach industry has been slack concerning the safety of our coaches and they need to be properly maintained. However here in Florida the proposed licenses are going to cost as much as commercial trucks and that includes road taxes and local stuff too. I keep up with my maintiance closer than some I have seen and take pride it what I drive too. My only complaint is the license and taxes we will be incountering.

David Evans (Dmd)
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Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - 10:22 pm:   

http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/06/19/2011-06-19_sen_chuck_schumer_demands_bus_co mpanies_should_display_safety_rating_to_riders.html More noise than substance at this point. He made his headline news and will move on to the next soundbite. Demands! ok take your summer recess please.
Jack Hart (Jackhartjr)
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Posted on Saturday, June 25, 2011 - 7:39 am:   

Marvin, I don't see that coming at all! FMCA and others will fight it.
And Larry, trust me, you don't want FLDOT inspecting your coach. If they don't find anything wrong with it, they will make something up.
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Monday, June 27, 2011 - 2:18 pm:   

Speaking of the Government & our Busses,
you might want to read this link on the tax deductions
that we are afforded and what the Editors at FOX are calling for...

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/06/27/should-raise-debt-ceiling-to-pay-for-grandpas-rv /

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