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Michael Lewis (

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Posted on Sunday, April 04, 2004 - 7:33 pm:   

Has anyone used a cad system (AutoCad, etc.) for doing bus layouts, particularly MC9? If so, would you be willing to share base drawings? If not, I am ready to commit my measurements to cad and would be glad to share when I am finished.

Larry Baird (Airhog) (

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Posted on Sunday, April 04, 2004 - 11:42 pm:   

What type of cad drawings are you looking for? 2D or 3D Autocad ? Inventor? Mechanical Desktop? I teach CAD and would be willing to help if I knew what you wanted. I use only Autodesk products so let me know if I can help.
Michael Lewis (

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Posted on Monday, April 05, 2004 - 12:42 pm:   

Larry, Thanks for your offer. I am an experienced cad operator (20 years) currently using AutoCad 14 & 2000 & 3DS3. I will develop standard floorplan, elevation, section, electrical, lighting, circuit, plumbing, mechanical and detail drawings for my MC9 to both document the conversion and provide accuracy for CNC cutting of components. If you have any students who would like to measure up a MC9, let me know!

Ray D (

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Posted on Monday, April 05, 2004 - 12:49 pm:   

While we have two experts here, I have looked at inventer and it looks like a great program, but definately priced out of my range. Is there a version that is affordable, I know some of the cad programs do knocked down versions?
Michael Lewis (

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Posted on Monday, April 05, 2004 - 2:32 pm:   


Depending on your needs, there are many basic drafting programs out there, some are free. You might do a Google search using "free drafting software". Some of the "3D" house planning software at your local Office Depot will do basic planning. It also will provide a symbol library for appliances, furniture, etc. For $30 or less, this may be worth a try.

I am not familiar with Inventor, although I have it. Any advanced drafting software will have a learning curve, sometimes very time consuming.

If you are a student or have a student in your family, AutoCad offers substantially reduced prices on student versions. It's pretty much the industry standard, but you literally must draw all the lines.

If you do try cad, and depend on it for accurate construction, remember to do accurate measurements; like any software, it's "garbage in...garbage out".

Frank Merxbauer (

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Posted on Monday, April 05, 2004 - 9:46 pm:   

I use Punch software professional home design. of the three I tried it is the only one that will let you do a 2 in. thick wall. I tried doing it with 4 in. walls using the inside measurements. But it just don't look right.
Tractor Nut Adam (

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Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 10:31 pm:   

Michael, TurboCad
I use CAD everyday, probably for the last 15 years. (Wow does time fly) I've always used TurboCad. In my work (Facility design) I have to be compatible with outside sources.... I like TurboCad because it is easy to use, AND AutoCad compatible!!! As well as priced really well... I literally just bought TurboCad Ver 10 and I'm minutes away from installing it... The only reason I even upgraded was to keep up with AutoCad... Full on AutoCad will cost in the thousands... AutoCad LT (light) will still be few hundred... TurboCad will cost under $80 dollars, and I have yet to run into another engineer that thinks I'm NOT using AutoCad.
AutoCad is a very difficult program, and they teach it in collage. I truly think you will be frustrated with the purchase...
You can buy TurboCad Ver. 9 at CompUSA for about $79 dollars, but as a long time user, it would be my advice to call the manufacture, directly and tell them this (I just went through it) tell them your running version 6 and you want to upgrade to the latest version... They will sell it to you for 49 dollars!!! Don't buy the "Pro" version for 150 (it's a special they are running for the 600 dollar package) UNLESS you plan on really getting into 3D... To much hassle for me...
Hope that helps,
And to the rest of you fine folks, I sure have missed you!!! I've been spending the GA winters driving to Michigan in 6 degree weather to buy more tractors!!!!
Tractor Nut,

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