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George Myers (

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Posted on Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 10:27 am:   

Rebuilding Air System Components

Question: Has anyone recently rebuilt any of the component parts for their air system, such as the leveling valves, governor, over pressure release, treadle valve, etc.? Were you able to buy rebuild kits for them? If so, what parts and where did you get the kits?

The governor on the air compressor in my first coach (made in 1951) was made of brass and could be disassemble for cleaning and recalibration. While I never needed one, I was told that there had been a rebuild kit for these. I have seen instructions for rebuilding leveling valves in service manuals that mention rebuild kits for them.

On the other side, the place I have been shopping has rebuilt components, not rebuild kits for me to do it myself.

Thanks for any infor.
George Myers
Geoff (

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Posted on Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 10:59 am:   

Nobody in the repair business rebuilds air system components-- exchange units are the order of the day. Most of the stuff is I see is rebuilt in Mexico so the price difference in doing it yourself is not that great, plus you may need special tools, i.e. to hone out bores.
jmaxwell (

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Posted on Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 1:46 pm:   

Geoff is right, usually just as cheap to buy rebuilt. Local truck parts houses have some amazing deals now and then. I bough Bendix governors for $12.50 just last year on a sale deal. 4 of us put new air compressors in and actually made $25 each on the deal. Freightliner had a sale on 15cfm Bendix gear driven compressors, rebuilt, and the core allowance was $25 above the sale price of the rebuilt. Another guy just replaced his brake treadle for $7 above the cost of the rebuild kit.
dougthebonifiedbusnut (

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Posted on Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 10:35 pm:   

i have to agree with geoff and jmaxwell the stuff is usually to cheep to bother with rebuilding
Dwight (

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Posted on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 12:47 am:   

I rebuilt my leveling valves, parts from universal coach, it was like $15.00 per valve, they have what looks like the air vale that is used on tire tubes, clean out and change out the 2 valve cores and a check valve, the check valve could have been just cleaned out but I chose to change it... a new leveling valve was like $60.00...

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