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dougthebonifiedbusnut (

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Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 - 6:51 pm:   

stopped in the bus bash in springfeild hoped to talk to you in person but the rain drove me back home was that clipper as beautiful inside as it was outside and did you turn him on to this site i would love to speak to the guy oh well ill speak to you another time

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 8:43 am:   

SAw the inside of the red Flex , and it was as exceptional as the outside.

This Bush Bash will never be topped , I figure it must have cost Peter Pan about $25,000 out of pocket.

There were 40 converted coaches , ranging from store bought with corrian tiolet seats {heated]
to home grown ,to very home grown,
all the way to my minimilist form of conversion.

AS so many folks had done their own conversions , it was easy to pick folks brains ,on why the conversion decisions were made.

I got to show the truck style doorlock
and my sliding shower to many who came to visit.

Most coaches had a trick or a system that was there to copy .

Iteriors ranged from simple to fancy .

Conversions ranged from smash everything to bits and start over , to conversions .

The location WAS new england ,
but the number of non white roofs was scary.

Dark blue , brown , ect,sure must require early and often air cond ,
instead of just having the windows slid open.

Gensets were everywhere but most campers had great consideration for neighbors and the use/stink was very low.

Thank goodness it wasnt air cond weather, when most folks retreat to their coaches , and its very much harder to visit and learn somthing.

Usually these Bus Bashes dont have such a high converted coach count , but this one was special , even in the rain.

There was a Flea Market , but NO commercial hustlers , selling auto wash , por 15 or other junk .

Did find "Da Book"
almost new 4106 for only $50.00 so it was a worthwile trip, of 51 non stop miles from our door.

We left at noon {after lunch} so didn't get to meet too many folks that came late.

Best time at a BB for coach viewing is 9AM Sunday morning , when the folks that want their coach to be judged , have a sign in front window welcoming folks.

C. Ray Powell (Raypowell) (

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 11:56 am:   

Fred tell me a little about your sliding shower (door).
C Ray
Bobmc (

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 5:15 pm:   

FF, Have you seen the door latch that you installed in your coach installed in an MC9? I have heard there is not enough room to complete the installation. Is this so?

Ian Giffin (Admin) (

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 8:44 pm:   

Hi Bob,

BNO is so much more than just a bulletin board system! With over 200 web pages to view, you can be here for an awefully long time - and we'd be extremely pleased if you were.

For example, we have over 30 interesting articles online touching on many conversion topics and in our "Articles of Interest" section, Fred's shower system is a featured selection.

Please use this link to read his great article... and please take some time to read through some of the other interesting subjects! It's time well spent!!



Ian Giffin
jeffinCT (

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 12:24 am:   

Ian how often can you read the same thing over and over?????? Lets get out of the past. Maybe SOMEONE NEW has something NEW to say about an issue you may have discussed in past.THE QUESTION WAS "DO YOU THINK OR KNOW IF THIS WILL OR WON'T WORK ON AN MC9?!! NOT what did you say about this last year?! Maybe FF's ingenuity led to some serious R&D.Two thousand flushes and now it's perfected, new and improved for the new millennium, an added feature etc..Maybe some of the scatter brain ideas that were posted (and not removed) don't work OR WERE REALLY BAD EXPENSIVE ADVICE or WILD GUESSES!! I've left my bus in the hot sun and it still hasn't grown that extra foot. Keep killing the conversations and we'll have yet another BUS BORED. like so many of the others last updated when coaches were horse drawn. No offense, but some of us like the open road not dead end streets going back and forth over the same old potholes.
Scott Whitney (

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 1:53 am:   

Well, in Ian's defense. . . I did not know about this particular list of articles. Keep in mind that new users stop by BBs all the time and may have landed on some obscure back page via a search engine rather than the home page. I've been reaeding the BB daily now, but have yet to persue the article list - but I will now that I know about it! Thx!


P.S. for C. Ray: I see FF's shower aritcle is there on the list too.
RJ Long (

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 1:54 am:   

Jeff -

Why the anger?

|@n was just pointing out to Bob another area of BNO where some of his questions might be answered.

Self-promotion? Sure, but |@n owns the site.

And I agree that some articles are getting a little "stale", especially for those of us who have been reading the boards for more than a couple of months.

But you never know when a "newbie" or "wannabe" will log onto to the site, and what's "stale" to us is new to him.

We were all there, at some point in time.

And finally:

If you want some "new" information on a topic posted on the website, then take the time to research it and write about it yourself.

I'll be waiting. . .


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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 5:32 am:   

RE MCI , The Peterbuilr guts would be the part that had to fit , or the door modified.

Why not drive over to the Peterbuilt folks , borrow a latch assy. and YOU see if it fits YOUR coach.
I have already done so for mine.

The library is a great resource , and the payment we get for using this chopped up format.

Most folks on these boards are wantabees and newbees, and need to just find out about the Hobby and trying to get up to speed.

There is plenty of room here and anywhere else if you wish to become a writer , of New and Exciting stuff for converters.

Most things have been done before , there is little "advancing" a hpbby that is 75 years old.

Most folks dont want to reinvent the wheel, so a review section is VERY USEFULL.


Ian Giffin (Admin) (

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 5:35 pm:   

Hi Jeff,

I misdirected my message unintentionally to Bob rather than to C Ray.

Fred's article has only been up for a few weeks. I apologise to you if you consider that stale.

Thanks for your input.

Ian Giffin

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