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Kenny Cole (

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 2:15 pm:   

Well, DUH!!! The starting problem turns out to be a connection at the solenoid that didn't seem quite tight enough when I went to remove the cables in prep for removing the starter. So, I
tightened it up and checked the other connections at the starter, (all tight), reconnected my
batteries and she fired right up. What I've learned this week are all the other things to look for when DA bus won't start. [:-) Also, I've learned that it only takes 2500 miles (or less) to shake and rattle a connection loose on a bus. If someone would wanna post the easy procedure for removing the starter from a 4106 equpped with an 8V71, I'd appreciate it for future reference. Lord bless. kenny
Frank Allen (

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Posted on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 2:39 pm:   

Had the same problem with my 06 several times i make it part of my annual maintnence to clean all electrical connections, the starter i used a rope and a helper from above its tough have a good day
Kenny Cole (

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Posted on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 10:06 pm:   

Dear Frank, thanks for the input. R and R of the starter is more than likely gonna happen while I have this bus. I'm reserving all advice for future reference. Lord bless ya, kenny
Steve Fessenden (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 8:31 pm:   

The tricky part of removing the starter on a GMC with an 8V71 is the lower nut. You need a special cut away short socket wrench, narrow at the top where the 1/2" drive enters. You can grind one off if you need one. Angle from the top to about half way down with the grinder.

Or you can spend 40 hours on one nut like I did and still not get it. Then I borrowed a wrench from a truck mechanic and had it off in 10 minutes. The starter wasn't bad anyway and I had to put the same one back on.

Steve Fessenden
jmaxwell (

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Posted on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 12:15 pm:   

Steve: Know what your saying. Went thru R&R of starter on my 6-92 only to figure out that it was a faulty fuel pressure lockout switch w/intermittent contact problems.
Frank Allen (

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Posted on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 8:40 am:   

On the 4106 as it comes there is a relay in the right rear compartmen which is designed t keep the driver from starting a already running engine, it works from the alternater , when the engine starts and the alt starts to charge it diables the start circuit , mine had a bad diode in the gen and would put a small charge in the relay while turning over the engine, this would disengage the starter circuit causing a back and forth mess sounds like the whole mess is tore up back there, had to replace the diode and the relay, pulled the starter off first had it checked but found no problem with it. thought id throw that in , it can ruin your whole day. that relay can also cause the engine starter tu turn while going down the roadf a nd you will never hear it it is a good thing to check regularly
Frank Allen
Kenny Cole (

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Posted on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 9:44 am:   

Looks like I started something, huh? Thanks for all the input so far, which I've cut and pasted to my WP.

Lord bless you all. kenny

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