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sam (

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Posted on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 8:57 pm:   

hello i have a 58 4104 and the rear marker lights qouit burning the front ones work and i have fire at the drivers terminal post and at the rear electrical post so i need advice on what else to look for please help
Bob-Cat (

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Posted on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 10:38 pm:   

Hi Sam.....Make sure your bulbs are good, Clean your bulb sockets and make sure you have a good ground.If you have power to the bulb sockets they should light up. Bob-Cat
Frank Allen (

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Posted on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 8:18 am:   

Ground could be the problem mine like to drove me nuts had voltage back there but couldnt get the bulb to light , the whole light fixture was above ground, you can check with a ohm meter if you have one check from a clean spot on the body to the light fixture base . usally involves a new light socket and a lot of cleaning up, grounds are often ignored . hope this helpss
Frank Allen
phil shannon (

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Posted on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 9:20 am:   

Sam...According to the Coach Lighting Wiring Diagram, all 5 rear MML's are grounded to the airframe at each light assembly.
Phil PD4104-3832
sam (

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Posted on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 3:33 pm:   

whats is airframe and were do i look i took a test light no current it shows at the sockets and also they went out all of them in the rear all at the same time thanks sam 4104-3434
Norm Edlebeck (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2001 - 10:44 pm:   

Hey guys, talk about frustration with tail/marker lights. A couple weeks ago when we were ready to go for a couple day jaunt, we left at noon and had no marker or tail lights. It was raining off and on that day but light enough that we didn't need them. Then right before dusk they came on (just before I was going out in the rain to have alook see). Well, they worked fine that night and all the next day (rainy also). The following week-end the same thing the day before we were to leave. I had a million things to do, so thought I would find the problem next morning in 15 to 30 minutes. Well friends, after 4 HOURS of cussing and swearing with a dead short in the line and cutting every wire in site (have 5 R&M lenses on each side of MC7) and ready to tear the whole works out, I came to the last possible light. I had just installed them all last fall and sealed them all up good with silicone to avoid water entry. I said "What have I got to lose?" I'll snip the ONLY ONE that was in plainsight and had absolutely no wires even near anything else. You guessed it - that was the one. I took the bulb fixture out from back and believe it or not - water came gushing out of the hole. I couln't believe it. I was so mad I was ready to take a 1" bit and drill a hole, but I calmed down enough to go with a smaller one. Anyway, there was 4" of water in that fixture. Where, how, why, I'll never know, but the memory will linger for years to come. Check that out FIRST when you are having dead short problems.

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