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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » THE ARCHIVES » Year 2001 » July 2001 » Inverter Problem « Previous Next »

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joe (Joe_Littlewind) (

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Posted on Saturday, July 28, 2001 - 1:36 am:   

I am in SW Missouri and my 4106 is in a Burnsville MN bus shop. I haven’t had any real time in the coach yet other than a 4-hour test drive. The shop has told me that the 2500-watt Heart inverter will not charge the house batteries (bank of 8) and that the charging portion of the inverter is not working. I have a call into the previous owner but in the mean time: Can the Heart be repaired or should I start shopping? Also can I run a separate charger (while on the road) until I zero in on one that I want to buy? Thanks to all, Joe
Scott Whitney (

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Posted on Saturday, July 28, 2001 - 2:20 pm:   

You might check with Heart to see if it is still under warantee. If you have access to shore AC or a genset, a cheap automotive charger may keep the batteries topped up if they are not used too heavily - until you can get the Heart repaired. Do they charge when underway? If not, you could get the shop to rig up a heavy duty switch or isolator to charge from your alternator while underway. Just make sure the circuit is isolated or disconnnected when the engine is not running or you may drain the engine starting batteries.
Ames (

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Posted on Tuesday, July 31, 2001 - 8:29 pm:   

I had what I thought was a Heart Inverter problem and it turned out to be a weak cell in one of my four golf cart batteries. Heart told me that some inverters were made with silver pins on the circut boards and they need to be replaced with new boards with gold pins. This is not a warrenty item if past the warrenty period and the boards are fairly expensive.

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