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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 8:40 pm:   

Sean Welsh (Sean)

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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 9:40 pm:   

And this relates to buses how?
Ken Turner (Pipesusmc)

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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 10:04 pm:   


There are several busses going UP the river
hard to see them tho.
James Maxwell (Jmaxwell)

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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 11:54 pm:   

Wow, what a difference a few minutes make! For sure, the water is markedly mirkier in the after shots (guess that's why Sean and I missed the buses in the river).
Jim (Jim_in_california)

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 1:39 am:   

This is of interest to anybody human.
Sean Welsh (Sean)

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 2:07 am:   

Jim (Maxwell) -- just to be precise, these pictures were not a "few minutes" apart -- most of them were taken months, and, in some cases, years apart. The effect is the same, though...

Jim (in california) -- I'm not saying it's uninteresting, just that it's off-topic. I can think of hundreds, or perhaps thousands of things that are "of interest to anybody human," and even more things that are very likely of interest to this group in particular, but that doesn't mean I should post them here.

The problem with posting items of "general interest" (and what's of *general* interest is highly debatable) is that if enough people do it, then a topic-specific forum such as this one begins to be diluted, and it loses its usefulness as a highly focussed forum. Allowed to degenerate to its ultimate conclusion, we would all have to wade through dozens of posts about religious beliefs, the ozone layer, plight of the whales, advertisements for pornography, etc. etc., picking out the precious few nuggets of bus-specific information. Ultimately, the regular participants, finding it too hard to find information or be heard through the endless spam, will move on to other, more focussed venues. (I know whereof I speak -- I've been here before).

No danger here, of course, of that ultimate end-game, because Ian does an exemplary job, IMO, of moderating this board. That being said, however, it is also up to each of us denizens of this realm to post sanely, sensibly, and responsibly.

Threads like this one can put a moderator in a tight spot. First of all, like every thread that he has to read, it constitutes traffic volume that must be digested. Then it requires a judgement call -- it's off-topic, but is any harm being done, or is it truly such a moving topic that it really does belong, and will this be the off-topic post that launches the slide into more off-topic posting, etc. Furthermore, if a moderator chooses to remove such a thread, for exactly the reason that it simply is not germane to the topic (and itself is better served in many forums much *more* appropriate), he risks ire, ridicule, or worse, from folks who will see it as some sort of political statement rather than as a mechanical and necessary part of the moderation process.

I'm simply suggesting that none of us should impose this sort of conundrum on any moderator -- let's keep the posting on-topic. I think we'll all be better off.


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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 5:13 am:   

those are absolutely amazing

When Mother nature gets an atitude, she sure can put the hurts to anyone/anything that gets in the way.

This is HISTORY, that we have lived to see in out times. I can say I would rather have never even seen it happen, but on this planet, strange things happen all the time, or may happen, like yellow stone(super volcano), where the bus conversions go for the day. (Notice my tie in with buses?)

I am deeply saddened by the loss of life, loss of future technology we will never see.

Hopefully, they will find a way to warn people of future Tsunomi's. YOU DO REALIZE that on the East and West coast of the USA, we have RV parks, where we can stay with our conversions (Yet another tie in) and both East and West coasts are vulnerable to a Tsonomi Attack. I saw it on TV.

Robert Wood (Bobwoodsocal)

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 6:40 am:   

Did you see how those buses in the paths of the tsunami got thrown around? I saw some poor sonofagun stranded on top of one, it was floating down the street. Bummer deal. Bob
Glenn MC-9

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 6:43 am:   

When I read the thread title "Tsunami pics before and after", I knew it wasn't bus related.

It was at that time that I made my decision.... (1) don't look at the post or (2) see what it was about. Now, if Frank had labled his post to where we were misled or tricked into reading it, then I think there would be a problem.

Anyway, I personally don't see a problem posting something like this.

Oh yea, I chose option # 2.

Richard Bowyer (Drivingmisslazy)

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 8:38 am:   

I have to agree with Sean. There are literally millions of items of interest on the internet. Thousands and thousands (and lots more) of items of interest to anybody human, and hundreds and hundreds of items of interest to busnuts.

Think what it would be like if everybody that reads the board would post only one item that they think would be of interest to the other readers of the board that was not bus related. We would have literally hundreds of posts covering a very wide range of topics and the board would then be a human interest board instead of a busnuts board.

My vote is that I@N wipe posts like this out immediately and if someone insists on continuing to post non bus related topics, then that person would be banned from posting at all.


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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 9:22 am:   

Just put "OT" (off topic) in the title. That way, you can treat these messages like the mail I get at home that says "Please do not discard"; you can ignore posts that don't have to do with busses.


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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 3:57 pm:   

Well, with the East coast as well as the West coast of the United States at risk of a Tsunomi Attack,

AND the fact that bus conversions PARK in RV RESORTS that will be affected by a Tsunomi Attack,

AND the fact that such a huge area of the USA will be destroyed in the event of that Tsunami Attack,

I think it is pretty pertinent information to know just what might be left AFTER a Tsunomi Attack.

DID you know, that a bus conversion will be wisked away by a large amount of water quicker than a brick?

Did you happen to notice the number of fatalities caused by the Tsunami Attack?

There is a great area of the USA that is at risk, just as most other countries are.

The fact that your conversion may be wisked away and you may drown seems to make this information of interest.

It may be off topic, but it is History and of a general interest.

Besides, I didn't see any crying when someone was asking about wiring in a toyota pickup or transmission trouble in a car or a light didn't work in a car.

If you are gonna point at one, you got to point at them all. As it is, I don't see reason to point at any of them.

My Thought
niles steckbauer (Niles500)

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 4:06 pm:   

Frank - i enjoyed the pics - very informative - thanks for the post - FWIW - Niles
TWODOGS (Twodogs)

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 4:16 pm:   

look at that guy run in the last picture

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 4:42 pm:   

Hey 2D
I had that eye surgery but I can't see that well on the last photo, you kidder

You must have pretty good eyes to see that close, and that far into the future.....

TWODOGS (Twodogs)

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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 4:50 pm:   

................. :-)

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