Welcome to BNO - Bus Nut Online

One of the nicest things about owning a bus is meeting the many people from many walks of life, with the stories they can tell about the places they have been; the good times, sometimes the not so good times and all of the wonderful memories they have lived in between.The view from up here is the best it gets. The freedom of traveling full- or part-time is indescribable. The North American Continent has the most beautiful, awe inspiring and unforgettable scenic wonders the world has to offer and you can see it all from a unique, safe and very comfortable perspective... in your very own motor coach! If your dream is to own a bus and do some serious traveling in the biggest and safest motorhome in the world, we understand your excitement and want to assure you that almost everyone who owns a bus now was once in your shoes. If you are actively seeking to buy and build a bus, whether you are doing the conversion yourself or leaving it up to professional converters, or if you are simply upgrading your current land yacht with a new toy or needed appliance or part... then that makes you a BUS NUT! And this Web Site has been built especially for you. We have aimed at making it simple to navigate, easy on the eyes and fun to view. There are many pages here, so feel free to browse through all the stuff that interests you. We at BNO - Bus Nut Online thank you for taking the time to come and visit us and we sincerely hope that your stay here is a pleasant one. Please bookmark this page now. And return soon and often. Thank You.
In Memoriam. September 11, 2001.
Getting Around BNOThe BNO BBS bulletin board system is the feature section of our web site and a great deal of the information on BNO is focussed here. It includes the world's largest searchable archive of questions and answers to myriad conversion topics. Additionally, the BNO BBS contains dozens of "Articles of Interest" and "Arnie's Articles", perfect reading for the novice viewer. New sections include a link to videos in our BNO Multimedia Magazine, including our very own YouTube Channel.
The best place on the Internet to shop for a bus for sale is in our "WoBN's Classifieds" section of the Forum Section which now combines regular classified ads for individual sales of select spare parts and THE premier Internet address to shop for and sell bus conversions. As well, we offer the Internet's only no-strings-attached, absolutely free classified advertising. There's no better value in the world if you wish to sell whatever it is you have now, but don't want. There have been hundreds and hundreds of buses sold here. Is it your turn yet?
DieselChat in the Forum Section is a live chat room where viewers have the opportunity to carry on a conversation with fellow conversion hobby enthusiasts in real time. The best way to find someone in the chat room is to invite them there via email, our Facebook page or other messaging system. Come on in and sit with us awhile!
The Bus Converter's Bible by Dave Galey is available to read online all year long here on BNO. Considered by many as the godfather of bus conversion information, with many years of extensive personal hands-on experience, you can read the Bible penned by Dave. This section is under construction as we update Dave's Bus Converter's Bible and his other books, for download from our web site. Please stay tuned!
The Bus Stops Here takes a look at pictures of many makes and models of buses in their original form giving you an idea of what bus conversions started out looking like when they were in regular revenue service.
Since our launch on September 1, 1997, an incredible 3,276 viewers have been kind enough to sign our Guestbook. Thanks everybody, it's always nice to see you. Please come back and visit us real soon. Lycos, the company which hosted our Guestbook for many years has eliminated this feature from their array of services. Unfortunately, this has eliminated our Guestbook archive which used to appear on our home page. Great that you used the feature! We were always so happy that you took a moment to "sign" our book.
BNO was born on September 1, 1997. We've incurred exactly 6,379,005 hits in the last 12 months and recorded 2,180 individual visitors to BNO every single day!
BNO has been created and optimized using the Microsoft family of products and the Firefox web brower. Our web site is best viewed at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.
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