Two plywood bulkheads, scribed nicely to the original roof, are fore and aft; the toilet room has a cutout to enter the shower and a shower curtain. The side facing the window has a clear plastic plexiglass water barrier and an insulated window shade can be rolled down to give privacy when needed. The front of the shower which faces the isle is a big box, with the top part being a hanging locker and the bottom part big bought drawers, the entire big box is mounted on HEAVY drawer slides, and locks in place.
To use the shower, we slide the big box hanging locker and drawers into the isle, adjust water temperature and enter from inside. You have to reach out past the shower curtain to change water volume or temp, but this tiny inconvenience allows the water plumbing to stay in the easily heated bathroom.
The shower sump is a small inexpensive marine bilge pump, with the pickup sump drain in the center where the drain would be. There's a small stainless bowl, inset slightly, to give the pump a low point from which to suck draining water.
The shower sump pump drains into the sink so all there is to winterizing is to pour plumber's antifreeze in to the shower sump, operate the pump for a couple of seconds and the sink drains by gravity down to the holding tank.
As a precaution against too much exuberance while showering which would force water past the plexiglass, the side panel in the shower was taken down and the fiberglass insulation was replaced with 1 inch closed-cell foam insulation. The naugahide pulled off from the side panel easily and was repainted with a spray can of paint.
As with most things in "PLUS BUS", it took longer to think up how to modify what exists than to build, and the entire setup can be removed if needed.
There is a 120-volt heater with thermostat in the toilet area, so most times just closing the toilet door keeps everything from freezing. Leaving the toilet door open almost touches the fridge which allows the rear of the coach to be heated some when we're hooked into campground power and its not tooooo cold out.