Quality Time - Tennessee Bus |
Here's a great story about a father and son vacation with a twist: To fetch a bus 5 states away with unimaginable obstacles and a baseball game en route! |
by R. Terry |

Shifting |
Revealed: The "Dead Throttle Start" and other gearin' and clutchin' stuff. How DO you get that big ol' bus rolling? |
by R.J. Long |

Daily Pre-Trip Inspection |
Find out why it's the law for a professional driver to perform a "circle-check" and how you can make it an integral part of your own daily routine. |
by R.J. Long |

Shower Stalls - My Way! |
Fred has outfitted his 4106 with a very unique shower stall which converts to a storage area. Read how he did it, here! |
by Fast Fred |

The 2 x 4 Bus |
Can you build a bus conversion without owning a bus? You may find good reasons why you should in this article! |
by Richard Wynn |

Zoorasia-a-a-a-a-a-a!! |
Check out this hilarious "trip report" about navigating in a far off land, getting lost and getting found again! |
by Catherine Sheaves |

Fire Prevention for the Road |
Practical checklists are included in this no-nonsense discussion on the steps you must take to save your life and the lives of those around you. |
by Greg Moe |

Picking a Power Plant |
The practical aspects of selecting the power that will push your conversion is discussed here. Some decisions you can make will surprise you. |
by George Myers |

Fire Safety on the Road |
The tragic loss of Dave Galey's Eagle, Enterprise, yields some important lessons and vital information about fire safety. |
by Greg Moe & Dave Galey |

Floor Plan for a 35' 4104 |
Here's a perfect example of the flexibility of a 35 foot conversion. Who says you can't do big things in a small place? |
by Jim Stacy |

Writing Technical Articles |
One of the top professional technical writers on the subject of bus conversions challenges you to write an article and gives you all the tools to do so. |
by George Myers |

Jones Offset Hitch |
As the title suggests, this story is about the characteristics of an offset trailer hitch. |
by Dave Galey |

Antique Coaches |
A discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of selecting a 25+ year old coach. |
by George Myers |

A 1984 Saab Scania Transit Conversion |
A Canadian Bus Nut takes a bus apart and puts it back together again. A magnificent example of our hobby! |
by Dennis Brooks |

How Do I Get Started? |
How do you get started? Finally, here's the answer. |
by Ian Giffin, George Myers and Dave Galey |

Big Engine is Big Bus Fun |
A recent change in power plant inspired this article. Details of what to expect in changing an engine, including a chronological re & re list. |
by Dave Galey |

Inherent Transit Problems Overcome |
The Transit vs. Highway Coach debate rages on! Here is an article that may convince you that transit is the only way to go. |
by Richard Norman Beavington |

Air Brakes / Air Systems |
An overview of bus air systems as they relate to brakes. Several safety tips included makes this a must-read. |
by George Myers |

Protecting Your Home Away From Home |
As you start your conversion, you should give serious consideration to protecting it. This is an article about bus alarm security systems and how to select one to fit your needs. |
by Norman L. Millett |
Foam Insulation for Our Bus Conversions |
Bus Nut Online asked Dave Galey to explain spray foam and some of its quirks. Here, he has covered the technical end as well as the how-to's in an easy to read format. |
by Dave Galey |
Coach Selection Guidelines |
In purchasing a coach for conversion, the most important part is the selection of the right coach. Here's the who, what, where, when and how of the selection process. |
by Arnie Smith |
Is It Really a Good Deal? |
A parts sourcer explains some important considerations about bus selection as they relate to the availability of parts. |
by Karl Bojahra |
Fiberglass on Plywood Tanks |
An inexpensive alternative to commercially available holding tanks is a do-it-yourself project described here. |
by George Myers |
Super Insulating the Roof |
A simple, cost effective way to prevent waking up in an oven. |
by George Myers |
Low Cost Conversions |
You have a dream to own your own coach. Many people have discouraged you because of one thing: budget. Here's the definitive arguement in your favour. |
by George Myers |
Satellite TV Systems |
This article will arm you with the basics for when you decide that you want SatTV in your rolling home. |
by George Myers |
My Introduction to Bus Conversion |
A "bus nut" fulfills a dream - owning his own bus! Featured - an MCI 6 Supercruiser. |
by Bruce A. Lantz |
The Vine Route |
Here's a recommended self directed tour of some of the most interesting sights in Southern Ontario, Canada as described by the publishers of the highly respected Carguide Magazine. |
by Bill Vance |
4104 Battery Woes |
A viewer has a problem with her battery hookup. We sent her some help. Here's the result. |
by George Myers |
The Converted Bus |
There are two sides to Dave Galey. We're all familiar with Dave, the do-it-yourself conversion technical expert. Now, here's a story from Dave's lighter side; his soon to be released 6th book, "Bus Nuts and Other Nonsense". |
by Dave Galey |
What's In A Nut (a history lesson) |
If you ever wondered why you are referred to as a bus nut, this story should serve to confuse the issue further. |
by Dave Galey |
The Big Picture |
What goes on out there from the view up here is enough to scare you. If you are a novice driver, this article will help to prepare you. |
by Ian Giffin |
Check List |
A hilarious look at an otherwise dry but very serious subject. |
by Dave Galey |