The Bus Converter's Bible by Dave Galey


ach coach, by each individual, is a work of art, reflecting not only their taste, but their attitude and life style. In no way, is there a wrong way to convert a coach for yourself. If you are satisfied, then its right.

The author has converted two coaches for himself and would continue to convert more if he could. Unfortunately, the physical constraints of age have reduced him to a word engineer.

The author welcomes comments by those in the trade, both the suppliers and converters. If any important product has been omitted through carelessness, bias, or just plain stupidity, please contact the publisher who will consider it for inclusion in the next edition.

The various tasks of converting a bus may be broken down into a number of categories. Listed below are the categories used by the author. These could, in some cases, be amalgamated, or expanded, but have traditionally been used by the author over the years of his involvement in bus conversion. If the total cost of the conversion is equal to 100 percent, then the various tasks represent a percentage of that total, as shown below.

A word about re-selling your conversion is now in order. You see these beautiful coaches done by Marathon, Liberty, Custom Coach and others selling for over a half-a-mil.You have done an exceptional job on your own coach, so it is natural to believe your rig, which is the size and shape of the professionally built coaches, should be valued somewhere between 100 and 200k. After you have come back to Earth, consider the following: If you discount your labor to zero, and manage to sell your coach for close to what you have in it, give yourself a Well Done! Especially considering your years of use and enjoyment.


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