The Bus Converter's Bible by Dave Galey

All 6 Parts of The Bus Converter's Bible are listed here in the Table of Contents. The Preface, Introduction, Conclusions, Appendix and Index are always accessible. Chapters appearing as red underlined links are accessible today. The other 5 Parts will be available throughout the year. Click here for the dates that the other Parts will appear.

Table of Contents


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Part 1 - Structural Modifications

Chapter 1 - Getting Started
Chapter 2 - Raising the Roof
Chapter 3 - Stretching Exercises
Chapter 4 - Other Structural Modifications
Chapter 5 - Extendable Floor Space
Chapter 6 - Side Hinged Baggage Doors
Chapter 7 - The Steel Case
Chapter 8 - Swing-Out Radiator (Eagle)
Chapter 9 - Hinged Utility Support Structure

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Part 2 - Plumbing

Chapter 10 - Introduction to Plumbing
Chapter 11 - Materials
Chapter 12 - Fresh Water Tankage
Chapter 13 - Fittings and Equipment
Chapter 14 - Fixtures
Chapter 15 - Waste Water Schematic
Chapter 16 - Black Water Scheme
Chapter 17 - Grey Water Scheme
Chapter 18 - Piping and Fittings
Chapter 19 - Liquid Petroleum Gas

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Part 3 - Electrical Systems

Chapter 20 - Power Requirements
Chapter 21 - Battery Requirements
Chapter 22 - Generators
Chapter 23 - Converters, Inverters and Chargers
Chapter 24 - Fittings and Material
Chapter 25 - Electrical Circuits
Chapter 26 - Electronic Systems and Circuits
Chapter 27 - Gauges and Instrumentation

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Part 4 - Heating and Air Conditioning

Chapter 28 - Basic Considerations
Chapter 29 - Heating and Air Conditioning Basics
Chapter 30 - Heating
Chapter 31 - Ventilation
Chapter 32 - Air Conditioning
Chapter 33 - Summary: Heating and Air Conditioning

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Part 5 - Interior Design

Chapter 34 - Floor Plans
Chapter 35 - Walls and Bulkheads
Chapter 36 - Headliners
Chapter 37 - Window Dressing
Chapter 38 - Cabinets
Chapter 39 - Floor Treatment

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Part 6 - Exterior Design

Chapter 40 - Body Work
Chapter 41 - Prime Coats
Chapter 42 - Graphics and Paint Systems
Chapter 43 - Engines and Transmissions
Chapter 44 - Tires and Suspensions

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You can purchase "The Bus Converter's Bible" by Dave Galey, by clicking here.
